Mean Water Levels in Florida Swamps Nested Designs Mean Water Levels in Florida Swamps K.C. Ewel and L.P. Wickenheiser (1988). “Effect of Swamp Size on Growth Rates of Cypress (Taxodium distichum) Trees,” American Midland Naturalist, Vol.120,#2,pp.362-370.
Data Florida Swamps Classified in 3 Size Categories: Small, Medium, Large (Fixed Factor) 3 Swamps sampled from each size type (Random Factor) 27 locations sampled and water levels measured, in cm. Yijk represents the water level for the kth location of the jth swamp within the ith size level Mean (SD) for the 27 locations for the 9 Swamps (Approximated from paper)
Statistical Model
Sums of Squares SSA SSB(A) SSE
Analysis of Variance / F-tests
Comparing Swamp Sizes / Variance Estimates