The Saga of the Tudor Family
King Henry VII
Margaret Tudor [to Scotland], Henry VIII’s Sister
Arthur, Prince of Wales [1500] Young Henry VIII
Young Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII [r. 1509-1547]
Mary I [28 years old]
Henry VIII’s Children 1510 Daughter - died 1511 Son - died 1513 Son - died 1514 Son - died 1516 Mary - survived 1518 Daughter - died 1533 Elizabeth - survived 1534 Son - died 1535 unknown - died 1536 Son - died 1537 Edward - survived
Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond: Illegitimate Son of Henry VIII
#1--Catherine of Aragon [1485-1536]
Henry VIII
Archbishop Thomas Cranmer Cardinal Wolsey & Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
#2--Anne Boleyn [1501-1536]
Queen Elizabeth I [1546]
Act of Supremacy Made the king head of the church of England. Confiscated Catholic lands
Act of Succession All the king’s subjects had to take an oath of loyalty to the kind as head of the Anglican Church. Statue of the Six Articles Anglican church maintained most the catholic doctrines despite independence from Rome. Why?
Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England
Pilgrimage of Grace 1536 – Multiclass rebellion in the North against Henry’s reformation. Violently suppressed.
Tower of London from the Air
Tower of London: The Bloody Tower
Tower of London: Traitor’s Gate
Tower Green [Where Anne Boleyn was Executed]
#3--Jane Seymour [1508-1537]
“Baby” Edward VI
Henry VIII’s Family
Henry VIII
Thomas Cromwell
#4--Anne of Cleves [1515-1557]
Henry VIII at Middle Age
#5--Katherine Howard [1525-1542]
Hampton Court [Where Katherine Howard Was Arrested]
#6--Katherine Parr [1512-1548]
Henry’s Deathbed
Edward VI
Edward VI [r. 1547-1553] Moved toward Protestantism; adopted some ideas of Calvinism Clergy could marry New Doctrines: Salvation by faith alone Denied transubstantiation Only 2 sacraments
“Ruled” England from July 10–19, 1553 Lady Jane Grey “Ruled” England from July 10–19, 1553
Queen Mary I or “Bloody Mary” [r. 1553 – 1558]
Philip II & Mary Tudor
Sir Francis Walshingham
Elizabeth I, Queen at last! r. 1558 - 1603
Queen Elizabeth I [1533-1603]
Sir Robert Dudley
Elizabeth I [1572]
Elizabeth I [1572]
Elizabeth I [1592]
Elizabeth I [1592]
Elizabeth I [1600]
Elizabeth I [1603]
Elizabethan Settlement Conformity to the Church of England but Catholics and Protestants could worship privately. Church of England more resembled Lutheranism Book of Common Prayer Services in vernacular The Thirty Nine Articles Defined the creed of the Anglican Church Puritans were not included Catholics tried to assassinate Elizabeth on Many occasions Wanted to place Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne (Catholic)
Foreign Policy Problems
Map of the Spanish Armada Route
Mary of Scotland’s Parents James V of Scotland Mary of Guise
Young Mary Stuart
Mary, Queen of Scots
Execution of Mary of Scotland
James I [r. 1603 - 1625]