ACADEMIES VOCATIONAL, SPORT AND A LEVELS The purpose of the Academies is to allow for a more meaningful delivery of our mentoring programme. We reject the ‘one size fits all’ policy and aim to focus on the specific needs of key groups of students.
ASSESSMENT All students will be assessed at regular intervals during their courses. This information has been published in advance and ties in with the reporting and parental consultation opportunities. We understand fully that difficult line that parents of teenage students have to walk between ‘supporting’ and ‘interfering’ – but we know that you care!
MONITORING The performance of individual students will be monitored by their Tutor, and any problems or difficulties will be picked up and discussed. We aim to create independent learners and prepare our students for either University life or the World of Work – but this wont stop us contacting you as well if we can’t resolve the problem between ourselves!
OPPORTUNITIES We have a rolling programme of ‘support’ activities for all students ranging from Work Experience opportunities to University visits The College Leadership Team are dedicated to the task of monitoring, approving and submitting UCAS applications in partnership with Tutors
WE CARE! So, to summarise, just as you we really care about our students. We have a team dedicated to supporting their learning through the Mentoring system and a host of additional activities to supplement this. As all things in life, this will be most effective when we work as a 3 way partnership – parents, students and teachers all with one aim: SUCCESS