SIGN UP NOW TO RUN FOR THE 2012-2013 SIGN UP NOW TO RUN FOR THE 2012-2013* GOTHAM VOLLEYBALL EXECUTIVE BOARD COMMISSIONER VICE COMMISSIONER SECRETARY TREASURER *Terms run from June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013 Serving on the Executive Board is an exciting and challenging way to give back to Gotham Volleyball. However, positions on the Executive Board also require a significant amount of time and responsibility. If you have any questions about the duties or responsibilities for any of these positions, please speak with the current office-holders or e-mail Please Note: You must have served on the Gotham Board of Directors within the last three years to qualify to run for one of these positions. You can sign by e-mailing your information to All interested candidates must sign up no later than 9:00 PM on April 28, 2012. Elections will be held, by online ballot, from Sunday, April 29 through Friday, May 4.