Coverage of action. This is making sure that everything is covered, so when covering within a show you have everything that is needed. This also needs.


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Presentation transcript:

Coverage of action. This is making sure that everything is covered, so when covering within a show you have everything that is needed. This also needs to be covered with cameras, by using various shot types so that you are able to grasp what is going on, for example you may be showing a TV show that has various shot types which should all be covered in show, also covering the whole of the space with cameras so everything within the TV show is mentioned and showed so that it is able to get everything across.

Communicating meaning to the viewer This is when you engage towards to viewer and the audience of how you will show them what is exactly going on, being able to draw the audience in to what is happening and why exactly you are showing that. You also want to be giving detail of what that meaning is and why you are showing it. This is also a good way of getting the audience involved so that they understand and also know what else to do with that show.

Visual style The meaning of visual style is when the set of the studio is bright and light this could make you feel happy and makes you se how interesting the topic is. This means this could be a chat show the bright colours represent the funny humour that it brings out and what its trying to show. The different types of shots show facial expressions and the close up of the faces show how they feel, also whether its focused of too people and how they use body language and facial expressions towards each other when talking to one another to show whether they really are engaged with the subject. The background images show what type of scene or subject their going to be talking and who they have their. The clothing and make-up suggests whether its going to be informal or formal for that subject.

Maintaining viewer interest This means that the interest of the show doesn’t go down, and the audience doesn’t lose interest. Being able to show the viewer the variety of things that you are able to do with the show and where else it is going to take you. The shots would also help the viewer and this is more interesting rather than being stuck on 1 shot throughout the time it is being shown. Not only do the audience know what is going on, you do also. It is also interesting for the viewer to be able to tell what type of set is being shown and they will understand what is being said and why.

Constraints of studio or location environment The different constraints show how well you will be able to work within different situations, for example when working in a studio you have more closure so that you are able to work better and you are able to use the equipment for efficiently but the shot types are less and this isn't varied. There also isn’t as much natural lighting when working in the studio, so you have to source your own lighting. When filming outside you have to depend on the weather, if it’s raining then you aren’t able to work outside for safety reasons of the equipment and wires that you are taking outside. This also means that it could get over exposed.

Multi-camera simultaneous recording Recording- This is meant that there are 2 cameras being used for this scene or how they show this. You could cut between the cameras, as 1 person speaks the other responds this is a quick and easy way to show what they are saying. The cameras are all running at the same time, which helps the TV programme to run smoothly and flow nicely. You also could change from camera to camera, this also helps the audience and the watcher to know what’s going and how to understand it.

The seats of people watching Birds eye view People Camera going over the top camera camera The seats of people watching Camera looking over the stands

Studio Camera at the back People sitting behind the desk Camera going over to see the whole view camera Camera

Festivals: Both of these festivals show many shots which shows what both festivals are about, they also use outside lighting to give the effect of being outside and their being raves etc. They also use many multi-cameras to show the layout and where it is set. Both festivals have a completely different view and what type of music they will play within the festival. They engage both the audience and viewers and instantly make you want to watch them.

Studio Events: Both of these studio based shows do not have any other lighting apart from the lighting that they are using for the show, which would be the bright lights over towering you from above to help you see and also the audience of what is going on. They do not use many other shots apart from a few which just shows them and what they are doing.

My Live Event: The shots I have used for this sports live event go all the way around the arena which help you see all the players and where they are going and type of shots they are using when playing football. If you have many cameras around the arena you are then able to quickly move from one camera to another in a quick and easy way this helps you and the audience to see what is exactly going on. The reason I have put these cameras here is because it seems to be a more and easy way to know where to go and what to do.

My Studio Event: With my studio event I decided to place the cameras at the front as the table is circular and you are able to see everyone and what they are doing and what they are saying. I also decided to put a camera going over the top so that you are able to switch from one person to another, and also it is capable to move around everywhere rather than switching and then having that confusion.