Vocabulary #7
Great suffering in body and mind Affliction Great suffering in body and mind Syn. tribulation, suffering, adversity Infirmity (body) Ant. health; consolation, peace Ray Charles did not let his affliction stop him from becoming a famous and respected piano player/musician.
permeated the hallways. A pleasant smell or fragrance. Aroma The aroma of cookies permeated the hallways. A pleasant smell or fragrance. Scent, odor
The library had a generous benefactor who donated One who performs a friendly act or confers a benefit upon another The library had a generous benefactor who donated an entire wing. Syn. Patron Ant. malefactor
Cower To crouch because of fear, shame, or timidity, especially in the face of danger The little girl would cower every time her neighbor came down the block. Syn. Quail, cringe Ant. Defy, resist
Haven A place of shelter or safety; port Syn- sanctuary, refuge The nest is a haven for baby bird’s until they’re ready to fly on their own.
Syn. Sovereign, regal, royal Imperial Pertaining to an emperor or empire; Befitting an emperor Syn. Sovereign, regal, royal Ant. Common, plebian Napoleon crowned himself as an imperial majesty in France.
n. a type of extinct elephant Something massive or gigantic Mammoth n. a type of extinct elephant Something massive or gigantic 2. adj. extremely large Syn. Stupendous, immense, gargantuan Ant. Diminutive, minute, miniature Syn. Mastodon, leviathan The remains of a wooly mammoth was discovered in Alaska. The roots of the cypress tree are mammoth compared to the woman.
Ordeal The ordeal of war is not as glorified as the movies sometimes make it out to be. A severe test of courage or perseverance; a difficult experience Syn. Trial, test; suffering, tribulation Ant. comfort, pleasure
Potent Powerful; producing strong physical effects (as a drug) Syn. Cogent, mighty, influential Ant. Effete, weak The potent smell of skunk made my eyes water.
His unkempt appearance hurt his chances of Not combed; untidy, crude, not refined Syn. Messy, slovenly Ant. Orderly, neat His unkempt appearance hurt his chances of getting the job.