What can a Fossil Tell Us?
Petrified Wood Image courtesy of Wikimedia commons. Picture has been released into the public domain. Petrified wood happens when the organic material has been replaced with minerals. The original structures are generally maintained. In some fossils, the tree rings can still be seen. What are some clues about the environment you could learn from the tree rings?
What Do You Notice? Images courtesy of Wikimedia commons. Pictures have been released into the public domain. What are some differences you notice between the fossilized remains of these two species of wooly mammoths?
Differences in Environments? What are some differences between the wooly mammoth and elephant? Elephant picture courtesy of K. Bird Wooly Mammoth: Courtesy Flying Puffin What might be the reason for these differences?
The Ichthyosaurus and Dolphin What are the similarities and differences between these two organisms? What structures are similar, and which ones are different? Images courtesy of Wikimedia commons. Pictures have been released into the public domain.
Horses .4 m 1.0 m Images Courtesy: Alex Brollo These horses lived in three different time periods. What are some similarities you notice? What are some differences? Why do you think the horse changed?