The French and Indian War
French Colonies Edict of Nantes(1598)- Grants limited religious toleration of Huguenots. Quebec- 1608, The first French settlement in North America. French are Native American friendly.
French Colonies Economy is based off of the fur trade. Priests are coming over as missionaries Other well known settlements: New Orleans, Detroit, Montreal
British/French Relations These nations are not friendly. Several wars spring up in the colonial period King William’s War(1689-1697) Queen Anne’s War(1702-1713), King George’s War(1744-1748)
How these wars are fought These nations did not consider North America worth a large investment of troops. Because of this, war is fought in a primitive “guerilla war” . (starts in French-Indian War) French settler vs. British settler
King George’s War This war is settled in 1748. Louisburg Fort stays in French control. Leaves the French close to English colonies. New England is outraged by this.
The Ohio Territory English colonists- Expansion to the west. They want more land for economic expansion French Colonist- Need to maintain colonial area from Canada to New Orleans. Tensions increase. Small Battles occur
Ohio Territory (continued) The British have made land claims in the Ohio Valley. 500,000 acres total. The French start building forts along the Ohio River. The Ohio connects to the Mississippi River Biggest fort: Fort Duquesne. (Pittsburgh)
The Start of War 1754- Virginia’s governor sends George Washington to the Ohio Territory. Washington is to survey and secure English land claims. Commissioned as a Lt. Colonel.
Washington in Ohio Washington’s troops encountered French Troops about 40 miles from Ft. Duquesne. Washington’s regiment kills a French Diplomat.
The French- Indian War 1754-1763 in North America Begins the Seven Years War in Europe (1756- 1763) Seven Years War is the first global war.
Seven Years War Britain and Prussia vs. Spain, France, Austria and Russia. These countries spent most of their fighting in Prussia(Germany)
French and Indian War England and Indian Allies ( Iroquois Nation) France and Indian Allies( Hurons)
The Albany Congress 1754, England summoned a congress to unite the colonies for their common defense. 7 of the 13 colonies show up to the congressional session. Issues: Iroquois loyalty, Colonial Unity
Join, or Die Benjamin Franklin- Publishes in Pennsylvania Gazette. The Gazette is wide-read throughout the colonies.
The Albany Congress The congress approves a plan for colonial unity. None of the colonies approve this plan Britain doesn’t approve the plan,either
General Braddock Sent to command the Colonial forces against the French. Britain’s forces were defeated at Ft. Duquesne by the French army and its Indian allies. Leaves the Colonial frontier open to violence.
Canada 1756- This war has now become a global conflict. England invades Canada and the invasion doesn’t go well at first. England is close to defeat
William Pitt Supported heavily by the English population known as the “Organizer of Victory” Comes to power in 1757
Pitt’s Plan 1758- Britain takes Louisburg 1759- Britain wins Quebec 1760- Britain captures Montreal
The Aftermath Peace treaty signed- 1763 France loses most of their possessions in North America. (keep West Indies) Cedes the Louisiana Territory to Spain
Effect of War on the Colonies The war raises the colonial self-esteem. Weakens the myth of Britain being All- Powerful
Dividing England and Colonies British Officials: displeased with Colonial support because the Colonies are trading with Spain/France Colonists did not want to provide for their defense. Would not send troops to help
Native Americans Native Americans lose their most powerful political weapon: Playing Nations off of each other. 1763- Pontiac’s Uprising. Raiding against the English in Ohio.
Proclamation of 1763 British reasoning for this was to help ease Native American tensions with the colonists. American colonists saw this as infringing on their rights to grow and maintain their freedom. Colonists ignore this proclamation as a whole.
Colonist Issues with England - Westward Expansion - The cost of defense - Restricting Trade - Discrediting Colonial Militia