Learning Map for Year 4 : Summer 1 2017 Theme: The Egyptians Please encourage your child to read each day Play scripts Poetry – A nest full of stars Understanding poetry from different cultures and places in the world Homework: Topic/ Literacy - Free Choice – Given out on Thursday and returned the following Tuesday Swimming Tennis Programming Hopscotch on iPads PE English DT Science ICT Class 4 The Egyptians Egyptian Thrones/masks Sound Sound vibrations Sound waves Investgating sound through experiments Volume/pitch in sound Geography Local democracy for young citizens Taught in Autumn 1 and 2 Understanding a range of musical instruments History Understanding number and place value in decimals Positive and negative numbers Roman numerals 2D and 3D shapes PSHCE Egyptians Mummification Pharaohs Egyptian society The afterlife The River Nile Pyramids Music Art Maths RE Sikhism Exploring the important beliefs for Sikhs and what they believe in Guru Nanak, his significance and his life Sikh’s place of worship – Gurdwara Symbolism of the 5K’s Values and the importance they have in individual’s life Taught in Autumn 1 and 2 and Spring 1 Fractions Non-unit fractions of amounts Fractions – foundations of how they are part of a whole Revision of fraction knowledge Addition, subtraction , multiplication and division – Mental multiplication and division techniques RE trip to the Sikh Gurdwara in South London