Tools for Researching in the Library Paula Clemmons, MLIS Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School Lake Charles, LA
Methods of Teaching Big 6 IIM (Independent Investigative Method) Using a variety of resources
Steps to Researching Identify and develop your topic Setting a goal, create an outline, develop a direction Find background information: use a variety of resources Evaluate what you find Cite your sources The writing! *Summarized from an article from Cornell University:
Choosing a topic General versus specific Useful websites PowerPoint to teach method Disciplines al+Studies+Disciplines
What direction am I going? Create an outline Set a goal Brainstorm what you know already Ask yourself questions
Finding background information Books- review OPAC; teach how to use the public library’s website! Internet- teach what kind of websites to use and NOT use Subscription databases- World Book Online, EBSCO, Gale How deep you go depends on your grade level
Evaluating your information Teach how to identify scholarly material What makes a good website? Organize your information– is there information you will not use?
Citing your resources Teaching it the old fashioned way– MLA style (or name your poison) iPad apps make it fun! Free websites that do it for:, World Book Online, and many more!
Wiki Work
Scope & Sequence
Paula Clemmons Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School Lake Charles, LA