SWORD 25 questions arising in connection with dual VET IIIrd Partnership meeting Udine, 11-13.11.2015
1. Job profiles are determined for the pilot Yes. Occupations are determined at the national level. In Poland, the new classification of the occupations taught in vocational schools includes 200 occupations and 252 qualifications identified within the occupations. 2. An institution is determined for developing the competence standards required for the labour market The Department of the Labor Market of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is responsible for developing competence standards in Poland. Until now 300 competence standards have been elaborated within Human Capital Development project (ESF project on the national level). 3. The competence standards are agreed by all relevant stakeholders The Competence standards mentioned above are merely information materials showing what is the nature of work within an occupation and what competences are desired by employers. It is assumed that in the future competence standards will be the legal norm to be agreed by all relevant stakeholders: sectoral and professional organizations, employers organizations, trade unions and other key social partners.
Training regulations and framework curricula are available for the determined profiles Training regulations and core curricula are available for the determined occupations. The State Agency – Krajowy Ośrodek Wspierania Edukacji Zawodowej I Ustawicznej (National Centre for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education) is responsible for development of regulations and core curricula. There is a curriculum for VET schools aligned with the apprenticeship training The training content for every apprenticeship occupation is laid down in training regulations (for the company-based part) and curricula (for the school-based part) determining the required learning time at school and in a company. There are regulations concerning instruments for dual collaboration The practical training in an occupation is provided for by the Ordinance of the Minister of National Education of 15 December, 2010 on practical vocational training (Journal of Laws 2010, No. 244 item 1626). 7. Training allowance is regulated in a way A juvenile worker, while being educated in an occupation, is entitled to monthly remuneration calculated as a percentage of the average monthly salary in the national economy in the preceding quarter.
8. An institution is determined for recording apprenticeship contracts The agreement on practical training in an occupation outside of the school is concluded by the school headmaster with the entity admitting students to practical training in the occupation. 9. Standards for the aptitude of in-company training are set Standards for the aptitude of in-company training are set in core curricula and are the subject of the apprenticeship contracts. 10. An institution is determined to carry out counselling to companies and assessing of companies Apprenticeships arranged at the employers or on individual farms are carried out under the guidance of apprenticeship supervisors – the employers of members of their staff, appointed by the employers, or persons running individual farms. 11. An institution is determined for developing exams The precondition for holding exams are currently described in the vocational education core curriculum, and now have been also specified by the experts of the National Centre of Support to Vocational and Continuing Education (KOWEZiU)
12. An institution is determined for organizing exams The exams whereby professional qualifications are confirmed are held by the district examination committees (OKE) at the appointed (OKE-accredited) centres, e.g. practical training centres, continuing training centres, school shops, at workplaces etc. 13. There are regulations for the organization of exams and the constitution of examination boards Yes 14. There are standards available for the aptitude of trainers for in-company training For the job of a trainer, one requires preparatory technical/professional training corresponding to the respective apprenticeship on the one hand and on the other hand one has to produce the proof of knowledge and skills related to vocational pedagogy and law. 15. Marketing materials are developed concerning all details of the new approach Different state and regional authorities are designing marketing materials but the additional materials will be welcomed
Will be elaborated when the companies for pilot will be chosen 16. Kick-off meetings with all stakeholders are hold As Poland is making attempts to shift to “dual” system in VET severe meetings with all stakeholders are hold. We shall start the meetings for the pilot purpose after the III partnership meeting. 17. One or two companies are prepared to take in apprentices We don’t know yet. It depends on occupations chosen for the pilot 18. A model of alternance is agreed by the dual partners Will be elaborated when the companies for pilot will be chosen 19. The company has a vision including the quality and aims of apprenticeship training Not yet 20. All employees are committed to apprenticeship training
Should be 21. The company has a certified trainer Should be (we don’t know yet as companies have not been chosen yet) 22. The company is proved concerning all prerequisites of apprenticeship training Should be 23. There are support materials for companies to break down training regulations into syllabuses and individual training plans If designed within SWORD project 24. Teachers are committed to teaching activity orientated to meet the requirements of the company and of competence development 25. There are committees or boards dedicated to collaboration within dual VET Not yet
Additional questions 1. What is the aim of your pilot project? To work out mechanisms and procedures in order to attract dual learning for employers and schools 2. What is the concrete challenge you want to solve or to contribute to? Making dual learning attractive both for students and employers and schools. We are looking forward to gain from good practices from German and Austrian systems 3. How many companies do you want to involve in your pilot project? Up to 5 (it depends on what sectors will be chosen for the pilot) 4. How many apprentices/students will participate in your pilot project? 6 (acc. to the application) 5. What duration do you plan for practical training? Acc. to the application (28 days) 6. Your pilot project aims at what level of qualification? EQF level 3
THANK YOU. Maksym Pimenow TNOiK Ul THANK YOU! Maksym Pimenow TNOiK Ul. Grunwaldzka 8, 80-236 Gdańsk tnoik@tnoik.gda.pl