Formats and conventions Documentary Formats and conventions
Types of documentary THE EXPOSITORY MODE OF DOCUMENTARY The expository mode addresses the viewer directly, with titles or voices that propose a perspective, advance and argument, or recount history. Expository films adopt either a voice-of-God commentary (the speaker is heard but never seen) . . . or utilize a voice- of-authority commentary (the speaker is heard and also seen).‘ Click on picture in corner to play clip
Types of documentary INTERACTIVE MODE OF DOCUMENTARY 'Emphasizes the interaction between filmmaker and subject. Filming takes place by means of interviews or other forms of even more direct involvement. Often coupled with archival footage to examine historical issues, e.g. Kurt and Courtney (1998), Chronicle of a Summer (1960), ‘When Louis Theroux Met . . .’ series.' 'The researcher goes into the field, participates in the lives of others, gains a corporeal or visceral feel for what life in a given context is like, and then reflects on this experience. Click on picture in corner to play clip
Types of documentary PERFORMATIVE DOCUMENTARY The performative mode, often regarded as the most ‘honest’ of the six styles, places emphasis on the film making process itself, often chronicling the documentarist’s subjective journey, often including the failures and struggles that may occur during the filming process as part of the final product. The performative documentary maker is no longer the invisible hand and voice behind the camera, but the subject of the films he/she makes. Many of the performative examples could also be categorised into the participatory mode, as these are films that study the interaction between filmmaker and subject A perfect example of the performative documentary maker, perhaps the mode’s most famous, is Nick Broomfield. An English filmmaker, Broomfield works with a minimalist crew, himself and an additional cameraman, and is a central personality to all of his films. By including the footage that other directors would have left on the cutting floor, for example his failed attempts at an interview with Aileen Wuornos in Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer, Broomfield’s films are as much about the making of a documentary as they are the main story, offering an onscreen reality that is small-scale and seemingly honest, but always entertaining Click on link to play clip
Types of documentary REFLEXIVE DOCUMENTARY Reflexive documentary sets out to readjust the assumptions and expectations of the audience, not add new knowledge to existing categories The Reflexive mode - like the performative, is about how the documentary is made as well as the content. Louix Theroux Behind Bars, sets out to change assumption and challenge the viewers beliefs Click on link to play clip
Although different in their approach what do all four types have in common?
Codes and Conventions of Documentary Close ups Interviews with experts and witnesses Name tags Actuality footage Archive footage Cut away / B roll footage Settings which relate to lifestyle of interviewee Correct sounds Voice overs / presenter lead Questioning
Research task This task should be completed in pairs You MUST Harvard reference the research you find (guidance on how to do that will follow) All work must be uploaded to your Unit 2 LO1 page Further guidance can be found on the handout (you can download it from research.html as well)