PROFECIONAL PORFAIL My name is Naida Yissela Rey Rey , I am the 21 years old, I am studying Social Work in the Unimonserrate university, I studied an excel course and I studied a systems enginering technical. I am a person responsible, with facility in systems for studied an excel course and systems engineering techican, I am a honest person, I am a fast learner, I like challenger to improve my skills, one of my skills is listening and fulfilled with the work, I am studied an social work because is facility a job with people and I like to work in the community. Also I have experience in the professional practice in the School “Santo cura de ars” and community practice in the foundation “un Techo Para Colombia ” and in the “Obra Saleciana del Niño Jesus” with a group of women and group children within the expectations that I have for the future is to find a job related to community work because this area is very interesting and I can improve my skills, in addition to this also I have a goal to keep studying and make a specialization in community projects and have a large and spacious field. pareece also interesting to me work with children and the elderly, taking into account the need to generate greater entencion interpersonal and work.
What is your career about? The social works is professional promotes the change social and solution the problems in the human relationships, The social works intervenes in the points where people interact with their environment and the principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work also has different fields the actuation professional and methods as case, community and group.
Where can you study that career in Colombia? The university is: University “La salle” University is “Unimonserrate” University School mayor de Cundinamarca University Uniminuto University Francisco de Paula Santander University Nacional de Colombia
What are the fields of action in your career? Health education rehabilitation environmental labor mental health gerontology Human rights
Why did you choose that career? I study social work to help wing population and to act of a reciprocal form in such a way that it could it was improving the quality of life of the persons and to generate a change in the persons
Why did you decide to study at the Unimonserrate University? Study in the unimonserrate since it looks like to me a good university that handles a specialization good at family, also I like treatment that has the university with the persons and the education that one handles is of high quality.