Case Volume 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Proportion of colon cancers being operated on by MDT 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Proportion of rectal cancers being operated on by MDT 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Percentage of elective/scheduled cases performed laparoscopically by MDT 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Risk adjusted postoperative mortality (within 30 days) for patients having surgery (combined 3 year’s data for patients diagnosed April 2008-March 2010 and August 2010 to July 2011) WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Overall median length of stay after surgery reported by MDT performing surgery (in days), surgical access 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Clinicopathological Dukes’ Stage of Operated Patients 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Median lymph node harvest by MDT for colorectal major resections 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Use of radiotherapy by MDT in patients having elective resective surgery for rectal cancer 2010-11 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Proportion of elective major resected rectal cases seen by an MDT, with CMI in a 3 year period (where CMI status is recorded) WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
Major resection procedure rates for elective rectal cases (2009/10 and 2010/11 combined) WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
NSAG clinical indicators All elective cases seen by specialist nurse before surgery. Review by MDT of all cases. Abdominal CT scan before surgery in all cases (elective and emergency) excluding polypectomies and stents. Pelvic MRI scan (or EUS) carried out before all elective rectal cancer resections. Report the presence or absence of non-peritonealised (circumferential) margin involvement in all rectal cancer resections (except local resections). The median number of lymph nodes examined in resection specimens for colorectal cancer should be at least 12 (except local resections). Attainment of at least 80% (the minimum threshold) is indicated by green shading for indicators 1-5. For indicator 6 a median harvest of 12 or greater is shaded green. Those below the minimum level are shaded red. WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC
CT (all op excl stents & polyps) MRI (all rectal elective resections) 2010/11 data CNS (elective cases) MDT (all) CT (all op excl stents & polyps) MRI (all rectal elective resections) CMI recorded (major rectal resections) Median no. nodes (major resections) YG 91% 100% 98% 89% 87% 10 YGC 99% 96% 84% 17 YMH 79% 85% 19 POW & NPT 93% 88% 15.5 SWANSEA 92% 66% 86% WWG & PPH 54% 12 WITHYBUSH 83% 94% BRONGLAIS NHH 95% 16 RGH 80% 12.5 CARDIFF 15 RGLH 73% 11 PCH 75% 81% ALL WALES 14 WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011
Further information and feedback Full report on Cancer NSAG website For audit queries and feedback contact clinical leads, information leads, analysts or cancer NSAG colorectal group representatives via For Network resources to help improve outcomes contact: SOUTH WALES CANCER NETWORK (SWCN) Hywel.Morgan@Wales.NHS.UK Tom.Crosby@Wales.NHS.UK NORTH WALES CANCER NETWORK (NWCN) Damian.Heron@Wales.NHS.UK Caroline.Williams@Wales.NHS.UK Cancer NSAG colorectal group WBCA Aug 2010-July 2011 - YGC