Turn in your Sea-Floor Spreading Model Analysis Questions Wednesday 12/6/17 Notebook Entry: Do you think earthquakes and volcanoes are related to sea-floor spreading and subduction? Explain why or why not? Turn in your Sea-Floor Spreading Model Analysis Questions
SCIENTIFIC THEORY Explanation based on a large amount of evidence Tested many, many times and the results supported the theory. Examples: gravitational theory, plate tectonics theory, evolution theory, cell theory, etc.
Theory of Plate Tectonics Earth’s crust is broken up into pieces called plates. Earth’s plates are in slow, constant motion. Convection currents in the mantle are the cause of the motion.
Plate Boundary Types
REMINDER Vocab cards due tomorrow. Quiz tomorrow!!! Study using your spiral (maps and 2 column notes) & textbook (lessons 1 and 2)
Thursday 12/7/17 No Notebook Entry Today Please return your spiral and textbook to the cupboard. Clear off your desk for the quiz. You only need a pencil. We will be doing the vocab card peer checklist after the quiz so you do NOT need your cards right now.
Vocab Card Checklist Review your classmates cards and fill out the checklist. Return the cards and checklist to the owner. When you get your cards back make revisions if needed. Keep your cards and TURN IN THE CHECKLIST!!!!!
Friday 12/8/17 Notebook Entry: Examine the photo. What do you notice about the rocks? Record two detailed observations about the rocks in this photo. Photo of the San Andreas Fault near Gorman, California, showing rocks of the Pacific Plate (gray rocks on the left side of the fault) and the North American Plate (tan rocks on the right side of the fault). There are very few places on Earth where you can see two plates in contact like this. Photograph copyright by David Lynch.
Vocab Card Checklist Review your classmates cards and fill out the checklist. Return the cards and checklist to the owner. When you get your cards back make revisions if needed. Keep your cards and TURN IN THE CHECKLIST!!!!!
Plate Boundary Types
New Vocab Card Assignment Due Wednesday12/13/17 Words are: Mid-Ocean Ridge Deep Ocean Trench Plate Tectonics Rift Valley
Monday 12/11/17 Fill out your assignment notebook for the week. No Notebook Entry- but you still need your notebook and your textbook at your desk.
Plate Boundary Types
Plate tectonics is the cause of… Continental Drift Size and shape of the oceans Earthquakes Volcanoes Mountain Ranges Deep-ocean trenches Mid-ocean ridges Rift valley
I Still Want to Know Look at question number 8 on your Modeling Sea-Floor Spreading Questions Write on a post-it note what you wrote for the “What I still want to know…” If you wrote nothing or have not done the questions you need to think of one to put on the post it. Hang your post on the white butcher paper and in the section for your class period.
Tuesday 12/12/17 Notebook Entry: 1. Name the feature at point A . What is the type of plate boundary is associated with this feature? 2. Name the feature at C. What is the type of plate boundary associated with this feature?
Vocab Card Checklist Review your classmates cards and fill out the checklist. Return the cards and checklist to the owner. When you get your cards back make revisions if needed. Keep your cards and TURN IN THE CHECKLIST!!!!!
Converging Plates 2 plates move towards each other. Density of the crust determines what plates ends up on top. 2 plates have different densities = 1 sinks and creates a deep ocean trench & volcanoes. 2 plates of the same density = both go up creating high mountain ranges.
Volcanoes Mountains - Himalayas
Divergent Plates 2 plates move apart ocean crust moves apart = a mid-ocean ridge crust moves apart on land = deep valley called a rift valley.
Continent Crust Ocean Crust
Rift Valley in Iceland
Transform Plates 2 plates slip past each other moving in opposite directions. Earthquakes often occur as the plates slip past each other.
Transform Plates San Andreas Fault in CA
Wednesday 12/13/17 Notebook Entry: Why do you think volcanoes and mountains do not form at transform plate boundaries?
Plate Boundary Skits In a group of 3-4 you will create a short skit (2-3 minutes) about one plate boundary type. I will assign your group a type of boundary. Fill out the chart for your assigned plate boundary type. Plan and practice a skit that you can act out in front of the class to help us understand your plate type and the processes/features related with it.
Quiz Tomorrow! Complete the review assignment to help you prepare. Quiz covers plate tectonics Basics of Plate Tectonics Theory Boundary Types Landforms Created by boundary types Processes involved with plate movement (sea-floor spreading, subduction)