Smart Home "Simple is smart". We believe it is smart to make complex things simple. But only when this means simple for our customers, not for ourselves.
Touch Wall & controlers Many Smart Home come to us after trying the modules of other brands. Perhaps this is because device offers what are probably the world's only device modules with guaranteed 100% quality control throughout the production process – on every product. Our customers say that our customer service is the fastest on the market for speed of response. They also appreciate our free lifetime phone support. For some, it is also important that device products are developed and manufactured exclusively in the European Union. Controlers Controlers Controlers
Heating System Innovative room analysis algorithm and color control Simplicity combined with technology is the key to revolution. Based on the cubic capacity of your room, our thermostatic radiator head, calculates how much time it takes to reach the temperature you want. Moreover, the current temperature is indicated by the appropriate ring color. You no longer have to read the temperature on poor displays. Try, set your temperature and discover the color language.
Sensors Protect your home with sensors motion detectors & outdoor sensors Motion sensors can detect movement, temperature, humidity, lighting and water, all triggering pre-set scenes. When coupled with sensors sirens, strobes or alarms, motion sensors can enhance the security of your home, notifying you of activity in and around your home even when you’re far away. Not sure where to start? Motion Sensor Door sensor Voice sensor Flud sensor CO Sensor
Sensors Smoke sensor Temperature sensor
Actors Micromodules
Actors Micromodules
Actors Whatever your goals for your smart home – whether you wish to improve security, streamline efficiency, or simply enhance your family’s comfort – you’re bound to find the device perfectly suited for your needs. Device, a wireless technology that allows every device in your home to “talk” to each other via a centralized hub or controller, is the platform on which all devices run. In a smart home, each connected device speaks to the hub, and then to you, the user, via your smart phone or tablet. So you’re in complete control of every device in your home – even when you’re miles away. Today, the nature of devices is changing as quickly as technology will allow. With each passing month, new devices are released, from simple wall outlets to state-of-the-art long range routers to alarm security kits. Device is working with large companies like Apple and Amazon to further extend the reach of devices. Yet devices are also designed to be compatible and scalable, which means that older devices – as well as the very latest – will work together seamlessly in your smart home, without interruption. When considering the breadth of devices available on the market today, it make sense to compartmentalize. The device that every new smart home owner must consider purchasing is the controller, or hub. Many devices function as the hub to the smart home, and today’s consumer can find everything from simple to sophisticated. The simple I-Bridge device Controller, for example, offers sleek command of indoor and outdoor lighting, dimmers, thermostats, locks, and more – all in one small, easily installed package. If, on the other hand, you’re searching for something more specific, keep in mind that there’s a device for every occasion – from the Scene Capable Quiet Fan Speed Control, which sets a fan speed as soon as the device comes on, to a range of anti-theft deadbolts and locks – you’re bound to find exactly what your smart home needs. You’ll find devices that address lighting, security, entertainment devices like televisions, and even kitchen appliances. Search devices indexed website for solutions in every size and shape.
Remote Wave remotes can serve as a primary or secondary controller for your Device enabled smart home. Handheld remotes allow you to control and configure devices (dimmers, switches, receptacles, plug-in modules and accessories) wirelessly. Not sure where to start?
Doorbird Doorbird is a connected entryphone that ensures that, whether you are at home or anywhere else in the world, you'll never miss a visitor.
Irrigation System At device, we believe that saving water is a responsibility that we all share. Our industry can have a tremendous impact on water conservation by installing more efficient systems and teaching customers how to use them correctly. By working together, we can really make a difference. Devices 25 Ways offers practical, effective tips and advice drawn from the company’s 80-plus years of experience in the irrigation industry. Available these resources can be used anywhere and by anyone who wants to improve their watering efficiency. Controler Controler grass cutter