LIB 5525 Product of Learning
LIB 5525 Agenda Updates Syllabus and calendar Action Research Discussion of Possible Topics
LIB 5525 Updates News, events, updates What is something about yourself you would like to share with others?
LIB 5525 Syllabus and Calendar Review syllabus and calendar Determine follow-up meeting dates/locations
LIB5525 Action research Studying one’s own practice to make improvements Involves Planning, Acting, Reflecting Typically considered quasi-experimental research Grounded in systematic, research-based methodology Environment not as controlled as experimental research
LIB5525 Action research Action Research Cycle Suggested by Farmer* Focus on a topic Review the research Develop research questions Farmer, S.J. (2003). How to Conduct Action Research: A Guide for Library Media Specialists. Chicago, IL: American Association of School Librarians.
LIB5525 Action research Action Research Cycle Suggested by Farmer* Collect data Analyze data Report results Farmer, S.J. (2003). How to Conduct Action Research: A Guide for Library Media Specialists. Chicago, IL: American Association of School Librarians.
LIB5525 Action research Action Research Cycle Suggested by Farmer* Design an action plan based on the data Take action Evaluate the action Farmer, S.J. (2003). How to Conduct Action Research: A Guide for Library Media Specialists. Chicago, IL: American Association of School Librarians.
LIB5525 Action research Possible topics? Think about which classes provided you with the knowledge base for your topic. You will want to include this later in your formal presentation.
LIB5525 Homework Think about topics Read Farmer book Explore the literature