Cortana Intelligence Suite helps to boost data science graduates’ career prospects at a Malaysian university Objectives Required an integrated solution to reduce time spent on non-learning related tasks to improve learning outcomes Solution Leveraged on the use of existing industry tools rather than “building from scratch” Introduced data science students to Cortana Intelligence Suite (Azure ML) in an early foundation course which forms the basis for extensive learning in advanced Machine Learning modules Results Cloud-based platform eliminated the need for high-spec hardware and enabled mobile learning An increase in the Application of Machine Learning algorithms implemented as a case study / mini projects. Students at IIUM were able to implement more algorithms during lesson time on the Azure ML platform. The hands-on assist students to understand machine learning concepts to be applied for industry problems, accordingly “Understanding the machine leaning concepts through Azure ML will help the students excel in their future career.” — Dr. Amelia Ritahani Ismail, Associate Professor at International Islamic University of Malaysia