Developing a Bespoke Level 2 Post 16 Provision Jackie Johnson & Jane Davis
Background Barnwell School is a large, two campus secondary school situated in Stevenage with 1165 students on roll. Our Sixth Form is part of the Stevenage Sixth Partnership working collaboratively with Marriotts, Nobel and Barclay Schools There are currently 205 students in the sixth form (90 in year 13 & 115 in year 12) Variation in numbers of Post 16 level 2 students over past 3 years
Background continued…. Level 2 students were historically recruited by default (students who didn’t achieve the grades to study level 3 courses, didn’t want to go to college or, simply, didn’t know what to do next!) Recognised a need for more vulnerable students and those at risk of becoming NEET 3
Level 2 Curriculum development 2013/14 - There was no strategic curriculum plan for our Level 2 provision; it was compiled from those members of staff / subjects with surplus allocation = limited curriculum and choice for students. Studies took place at Barnwell School from Monday – Wednesday and study a variety of level 2 courses, including: BTEC Money and Finance Skills BTEC Sports Studies BTEC Business Studies Resit English / Maths Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award IOSH Health & Safety* BTEC Art Extended work placements commenced from October half term (Thurs & Fri)
Level 2 curriculum development cont… 2014/15 and 2015/16 we continued to work collaboratively as a group of 4 schools and alongside an independent consultancy company to deliver accredited work place and employability skills, supporting the students into their work placements . The programme will follow the same pattern as the pilot (3 days = school based + 2 days extended work experience from January). The offer of a subject(s) from each school was discussed and included within our programme. From 2014, all students have studied Public Services at Nobel School Functional skills English & maths and iGCSE was also offered for those with GCSE grades at E or below
Current Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 T Public Services Money & Finance Business Studies Work Placement 2 T Tutor group period 3 V inspired Private Study 4 English 5 Food Tech Enrichment Sports Studies 6 7 Maths 13/09/2018
Work Placement Preparation BTEC Level 2 9 Credit Award designed to prepare students fully for their placement Researching employment sectors, careers and jobs Skills and qualities matching, identifying strengths Development of a CV, covering letter and applications Preparing for an interview, interview skills and mock interviews Investigating rights and responsibilities at work and workplace values Dealing with problems that may occur in the workplace Managing health at work Team skills
Recruitment 2013/14 – 4 students from Barnwell 2014/15 – 12 students, 10 from Barnwell and 2 from Nobel 2015/16 - 7 students, 2 from Barnwell, 1 from Marriotts, 1 from Barclay, 1 from Nobel and 2 referred via Youth Connexions 2016/17 – 13 students, 8 from Barnwell, 1 from Marriotts, 1 from Barclay, 2 from Nobel and 1 referred via Youth Connexions 13/09/2018
Student Profiles SEND students ADHD, ASD & Aspergus Social, emotional and mental health issues Students with English as a second language and a barrier to their progression All lacking in confidence 13/09/2018
DSPL consultancy Marketing and promotions strategy Bank of employers offering work placements Capturing student voice Establish wider community links Recruitment strategy Success stories 13/09/2018
Employment sectors 13/09/2018
Progression routes L3 Sixth Form Employment Apprenticeships Further Education Special Provision Training 13/09/2018
Destinations of cohort 1 13/09/2018
Destinations of cohort 2 13/09/2018
Outcomes & Impact Recruitment – drawn from external sources Developed a bank of employers to provide work placements Direct referrals from Youth Connexions, NHC and local schools Reduced NEETs 100% Positive destinations Increased number of qualifications to enable them to progress Ofsted January 2016, said "The school makes effective provision for learners to undertake work experience and engage in work-related learning. Learners are guided to arrange placements, many of which have a strong influence upon their higher education, employment or training choices" 13 applications to date for 2016/17 13/09/2018