NSC PRESSURE OXIDATION PROCESSING OF BULK COPPER AND MOLYBDENUM CONCENTRATES Dr. Corby G. Anderson CEng FIChemE and Mr. Caelen D. Anderson Butte, Montana USA FLOTATION AND TAILINGS LEACH FOR MINE SITE NSC POX PRODUCTION OF COPPER CATHODE AND MOLYBDENUM TRIOXIDE FLOWSHEET ABSTRACT Industrially proven NSC pressure oxidation leaching will be applied to bulk copper and molydbdenum containing concentrates for mines site production of cathode copper and molybdenum trioxide. This simplifies the process plan allowing flexibility in feedstocks and subseqent CAPEX and OPEX savings. This poster illustrates the application, the proposed mine plan and flowsheet and the economic estimate outcome s of this application. NSC APPLICATION NSC Treated Molybdenite Concentrate Mo, % Cu, % Re, % Fe, % TS, % 34.2 4.3 0.181 3.78 24.3 Nitrogen Species Catalyzed Partial Oxidation Leach Conditions. Initial Free Sulfuric Acid = 75 g/L Reactor Working Pressure = 620 kPag Slurry Solids Content = 25 g/L Solids Size = 80% -10 micron Maximum Temperature = 125o C Nitrogen Species Concentration = 2.0 g/L Reaction Time = 60 minutes Mass Distribution of NSC Oxidation Leach Products. Mo, % Cu , % Re, % Fe, % TS, % Solution 94.3 96.1 92.8 65.3 12.3 Residue 5.7 3.9 7.2 34.7 87.7 . SUMMARY NSC pressure oxidation of bulk copper and molybdenum concentrates along with leaching of flotation tailings appears to be a viable option based on testing and engineering studies. PROPOSED MINE PLAN 0.45 % Cu – 80 % Sulfide and 20 % Oxide Mineralogy 0. 015 % Mo With Some Precious Metals 5 M Tonnes Ore Mined Per Annum For A 15 Year Life Open Pit Mine With 1 to 1 Stripping Ratio Bulk Cu/Mo Sulfide Flotation and Oxide Tailings Agitated Leach Bulk Co/Mo Concentrate Flotation : 30.1 % Cu, 1.8% Mo, 60 g/T Ag, 3g/T Au 200 Tonne Per Day Production NSC Partial Sulfide Oxidation of Cu/Mo Concentrate Capacity 250 Tonne Per Day Design Incorporates Capacity for 50 Tonne Per Day of Outside Custom Mo – Cu Concentrate Treatment ECONOMIC SUMMARY 30,000 Tonnes Per Annum Copper Cathode Design Capacity 1,000,000 Kg High Purity MoO3 Per Annum Design Capacity By Product Silver Via AgCl Precipitation By ProduConcentrate Treatment and Au and Ag Credits ct Gold Via Non Cyanide Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgy CAPEX Estimate $ 375 M USD OPEX $ 17.00 USD per Tonne of Ore Mined and Treated Approximate Five Year Payback Period Without Au and Ag Credits and Outisde Custome Concentrates Considered CONTACT Dr. Corby G. Anderson CEng FIChemE Butte, Montana USA 59701 C 406 491 4002 F 406 494 9777