The Hague, Netherlands 06Nov17 Brigitte Behal, CNES Mario Merri, ESA MOIMS Opening Plenary The Hague, Netherlands 06Nov17 Brigitte Behal, CNES Mario Merri, ESA
MOIMS Agenda
MOIMS’s WG Status DAI: data acquisition, ingestion and preservation in archives Good momentum. Very active WG with architecture in discussion NAV: flight dynamics message formats High momentum. Very active WG with a lot of on-going work SM&C: MO services High momentum. Very active WG with ambitious work plan. First service specs published! Need to promote standards with potential user community MP&S: MP&S formats and services High momentum. Youngest, very active WG. GB finished, BB on-going TEL: Telerobotic services No momentum. WG on-hold. BB demoted to draft project
My MOIMS 1 WG telecon between Fall16 and Spring17 and between Spring17 and Fall17 DAI: F16=>S17 = 25, S17=>F17 = 25 NAV: F16=>S17 = 7, S17=>F17 = 4 MP&S: F16=>S17 = 4, S17=>F17 = 4 SM&C: We have had one full WG telecon and several phone calls and emails between the WG Chair and Deputy Your feedback on the MOIMS AD/DAD DAI: The AD/DAD ensure that the Working Group follows procedures in a timely way. The AD has been supportive in obtaining additional support from ESA. We may want to identify means to get technical feedback on documents from AD/DAD earlier in the lifespan of the documents. MP&S: Nothing particular or new
My MOIMS 2 Your feedback on the MOIMS AD/DAD (continue) NAV: My perception is that you have greater involvement in the activities of the various WGs than we had previously. I think you always try to have interesting topics for the MOIMS Opening Plenary meetings. Suggested Improvement: The last few meeting series (Cleveland, Rome, San Antonio) the combined Plenary Meetings take quite a long time. Any ideas you may have as to how to shorten this should be suggested to CESG. I've suggested a couple of things to Nestor that were not approved. Maybe your additional voices would help. SM&C: I think it is helpful when the AD presents the Area-wide viewpoint, vision and progress. We can make better use of the early plenary meeting. There are a couple of action items that we could use AD help on: (1) Resolution of Time Service responsibilities. Discussed at last CCSDS meeting, but not clear a resolution was agreed to. (2) Mailing list updates. May want some clarification of the new rules and look for consistency across MOIMS. Anything else of relevance that I have forgotten MP&S: Five days meeting next time would be better for our WG and we would meet five days SM&C: Do we see any changes with Nestor’s retirement?
A Final Word … Please keep on supporting Brigitte and me in our responsibility as MOIMS AD/DAD. Our doors are always open for any suggestion or proposal. Let us know if there is any session you would like us to attend Let’s work all together to improve team spirit in CCSDS as CCSDS is and must remain the forum where space enthusiasts meet to identify and solve technical problems for space missions
MOIMS Dinner: Wed 08No17 at 20:00 Place yet to be found Any suggestion?
Any inter-WG issue or question?
Have a successful workshop!