National Taiwan Normal University Department of Chemistry


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Presentation transcript:

National Taiwan Normal University Department of Chemistry NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13

History The Department of Chemistry was founded in 1962. (to educate future secondary school teachers) The Graduate Institute of the Department was established in 1973. (to cultivate chemistry-related professionals) The PhD program was Introduced in 1989. (to cultivate independent academic researchers) NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 2

Faculty Members At present, Department consist of 25 full-time professors with PhD degree and more than half of which have received degrees from world’s reputed universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Berkeley, Caltech, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas and Tokyo, etc. Besides, the Department also invites three jointly-appointed professors with Academia Sinica. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 3

Excellent Teaching and Training Teaching Objectives: 1. To teach professional knowledge in chemistry. 2. To cultivate skills and proper attitudes in researches and experiments. 3. To develop logical thinking and autonomous researching ability. Researching and Teaching Contents: From the traditional fields of analytical, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry to the latest popular fields such as biomedical science, nanotechnology, photoelectric and energy resources. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 4

Energetic Environment Equipments: In addition to labs for general chemistry, organic chemistry, physic chemistry and instrumental analysis, the Department also provides accuracy laboratories, medicine rooms, equipment rooms, preparation rooms, computer rooms and professor’s offices. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 5

Energetic Environment The Experimental Waste Processing system: According to environment protection regulations, the Department sets up the waste storage yard and exhaust processing system. The experiment tables are also remodeled into the ones with fume hoods (in demand from Environment Protection Administration.) NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 6

Course Map general chemistry seminar or research on special topics organic chemistry inorganic chemistry physical chemistry analytical chemistry education of chemistry biochemistry applied chemistry Special Topics in organic chemistry Special Topics in inorganic chemistry molecular simulation laser chemistry Teaching Materials and Methods: Chemistry special topics on biochemistry industrial chemistry seminar or research on special topics NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 7

Organic/ Bioorganic Chemistry Teaching Contents Organic/ Bioorganic Chemistry Course Content: Synthesis and Reaction Mechanism. Experiment Objective: To develop the skills of student in synthesis, purification and analysis. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 8

Teaching Contents Inorganic Chemistry Course Content: Coordination chemistry, Acid-Base and Oxidation reaction, Organometallic, catalysis, and inorganic biochemistry. Experiment Objective: To train students the skills of synthesizing, separating organic metal and inorganics. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 9

Teaching Contents Physical Chemistry Course Content: Thermodynamics, Quantum Chemistry, and Chemical Kinetics Experiment Objective: To measure the nature of substances and to familiarize with the operation of basic instruments. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 10

Teaching Contents Analytical Chemistry Course Content: Classical analysis, Electrochemical, and Instrument Analysis. Experiment Objective: The experiments of analytical chemistry aim to familiarize students with classical analytical methods and the operation of instruments related; the experiments of instrument analysis teach students to operate each kind of instruments and to assemble electronic devices in order to build up their comparing and designing skills. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 11

Teaching Contents Chemical Education Course content: Chemistry teaching materials and methods, chemistry teaching assessment and chemistry teaching practices. Experiment objective: The students will experience the chemistry experiments carried out in current secondary schools, the students will brainstorm and bring up more creative ideas on experiment design. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 12

Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (MLCC) Teaching Contents Applied Chemistry Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (MLCC) To enhance students’ proficiency, the Department offers the courses on biochemistry, industrial chemistry, polymer chemistry, etc. Department also offers the seminar course improve research students ability in integration and expressing ideas as well. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 13

Facilities Fourier Transform Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer: Liquid-state Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers: 500HMz, 400 HMz and 200HMz. Mass spectrometers: Gas Chromatography/Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Diffractometers: Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer, powder X-Ray diffractometer. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 14

Facilities Atomic Force Microscopy Elemental Analyzer A whole set of OLED fabrication and optical properties performance measurement device. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 15

500 MHz NMR Bruker AV 500 MHz NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 16

GC/MS, LC/MS GC/LC-MS (Finnigan TSQ 700) NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 2018/9/13 17

GC/MS, LC/MS NTNU CHEM GC/MS LC-MS ICP-MS 2018/9/13 18 附帶說明:本中心具備各類精密的制式分析儀器,遵循環保署與衛生署的公告方法進行檢測。 檢測服務的內容以民生議題為主,包括公共危害化學物質、環境議題、農藥殘留、重金屬汙染…等相關問題,均在服務範圍以內。 相片為目前使用中的一些市售儀器設備。為了更進一步的發展,需要高解析度的質譜儀。 LC-MS ICP-MS NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 18

X-Ray Diffractometer Kappa CCD X-ray diffractometer NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 19

Undergraduate Students: Student Map Students in Total : 523 Undergraduate Students: 309 Graduate Students: 165 PhD Students: 49 the number of recruitment per year: 80 recommendation specified examination general per year: 12 Undergraduate Students to Graduate Students to PhD Students : 6.3:3.4:1.0 NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 20

Student to Teacher Ratios Students to Teachers : 22.7:1 Undergraduate Students to Teachers : 13.4:1 Graduate Students to Full-Time Teachers : 7.2:1 PhD Students to Full-Time Teachers : 2.1:1 NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 21

Academic Performances Researching existing molecules Developing specific molecules Energy Photoelectronics Analysis Medicine 2018/9/13 NTNU CHEM 22

X-ray single crystal analysis NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 23

NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 24

AFM NTNU CHEM 台師大化學系 2018/9/13 25

Prof. Chong Mou Wang -Microimage NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 26

Photoelectronics NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 27

Prof. Tai-Shan Fang - Chemiluminescences NTNU CHEM 台師大化學系 2018/9/13 28

Prof. Ming-Chang P. Yeh-OLED NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 29

[{TeFe3(CO)9Cu}– ] 導電度: ~10-2 Ω-1cm-1 Prof. Minghuey Shieh – Semiconducting Molecular Wire [{TeFe3(CO)9Cu}– ] 導電度: ~10-2 Ω-1cm-1 NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 30

Energy NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 31

Ethanol Fuel Cell Prof. Jia-Jen Ho - Computational Chemistry NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 32

Prof. Jenghan Wang –Fuel Cell 2018/9/13 NTNU CHEM 33

Prof. I-Jy Chang –Dye sensitized Solar Cell NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 34

Medicine NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 35

Prof. Ying-Chieh Sun- Computational Chemistry The force between anti-cancer drugs and target protein (Hydrogen bounds are marked in dotted lines) NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 36

Prof. Wei-Hsiu Hung –Gold nanomaterial Synthesis NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 37

Prof. Chia-Chun Jay Chen Our research topic is focused on development of new type of nanomaterials, such as metal alloyed nanoparticles, semiconductor nanoparticles and semiconductor thin film, et. al. We apply these discoveries in nanoscience towards applications relevant to solar cell, fuel cell, Lithium battery, biomedical imaging and photocatalytic reaction and also analyze the physical, chemical and optoelectronic properties of these new nanomaterials

Analysis NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 39

Food Safety Consumer’s Foundation Prof. Gaston J. C. Wu – Analytical Chemistry Food Safety Consumer’s Foundation NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 40

Prof. Cheng-Huang Lin –LC/MS for MDMA analysis Structure IUPAC Name 3,4-methylenedioxy- N –methylamphetamine (MDMA) Formula C11H15NO2 Molecular weight 193.2423 MDMA Urine, blood Analysis Hair sampling NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 41

Careers 30% of our graduated students pursue higher degrees. 40% of our graduated students teach in secondary schools. 30% of our graduated students enter the industry. 30% of our graduated students pursue higher degrees. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 42

Employments Studies MIT Berkeley U. Penn Department of Chemistry, NTNU School Industry Parmaceutical Factory MIT Berkeley U. Penn NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 43

Goals The Department now actively acquiring advanced equipments and recruits first-rate faculty. Besides, the Department also expands university-industry cooperation to pursue academic excellence as well as to increase students’ competitiveness in future employment. In teacher education, the Department continues educating outstanding secondary school teachers, hoping to be the best chemistry teacher training institution in Taiwan. NTNU CHEM 2018/9/13 44