Creating Evidence Based, Trauma-Informed, Multi-Occurring Competent Services Play the Credo for Support prior to starting the slideshow David Redesign Mandate PCHS Board Meeting 06.12.13
* * * * * A philosophy and a set of tools. What is PBS? * * * * * A philosophy and a set of tools. Becky
Positive Behavior Support PBS Network – Framework (1) Members Candeo ChildServe Community Support Advocates Crest Services Easter Seals Eyerly Ball Link Associates Lutheran Services in Iowa Mainstream Living Mosaic Optimae Life Services Polk County Case Management Polk County Health Services Polk County Integrated Services Progress Industries Positive Behavior Support Functional Behavior Assessment Antecedent Intervention Data Driven Decision Making Polk County Positive Behavior Support Network An inter-agency coalition promoting positive support to enhance the quality of life for persons with disabilities. Community Cross Agency Training Cross Agency Consultation Buddy Agencies Fidelity Scale Critical Incident Debriefing Staff Support Plans Becky Universal Enhancement & Recovery Realize outcomes we universally aspire to Engage in meaningful roles/life pursuits Leadership Transforming the Organization Anchoring PBS philosophy and tools in the organization
PBS Network – Framework (2) Common Purpose/Language (PBS – on Steroids) Learning Community (Learn & Re-Learn) Leadership Trainings Leadership Academy Roundtable Universal Enhancement/Recovery Trainings Multi-Occurring Motivational Interviewing Employment First Values Trauma-Informed Care Positive Behavior Support Trainings Agency Strategic Planning (Fidelity Scale Self-Assessment) Labels/Person-First Language Becky
A Crosswalk * * * * * When you change the way in which you see things, the things you see will change. (Dr. Kem Thompson) Higdon’s Section
Common Philosophical Elements: Organizational Culture Welcoming Environment ~ Hopeful Supports ~ Empowered Partnerships Multi-Occurring Trauma-Informed Positive Behavior Supports Welcoming people with complexity and each other. Welcoming & safe for all; no re-traumatization. Always maintain a positive stance. Hopeful vision for a happy, productive meaningful life. Hope for healing from trauma. Hope that anyone can be successful. Empowered, strength-based partnerships. Strength-based partnerships to make progress to more autonomy. David
Common Philosophical Elements: Individual Support (1) Empathic ~ Holistic ~ Integrated ~ Stage-Matched ~ Skill Based Multi-Occurring Trauma-Informed Positive Behavior Supports Empathic understanding of the person’s story & their issues. Empathic validation of traumatic experiences. Empathic understanding of the context for all behaviors. All issues are primary, including trauma. Trauma is a primary issue that contributes to all other issues. PBS supports can support success in addressing any issue. Integrated best-matched interventions for each issue at the same time. Interventions for any issue must be trauma-informed. Some people need trauma-specific treatment. David
Common Philosophical Elements: Individual Support (2) Empathic ~ Holistic ~ Integrated ~ Stage-Matched ~ Skill Based Multi-Occurring Trauma-Informed Positive Behavior Supports Stage-matched interventions for each use—use motivational interventions. Forcing people to change is a form of re-traumatation—use motivational interventions. Change requires positive supports for next steps in decision-making and learning. Skill-based learning for each issue. Learn specific skills for establishing safety (grounding) & healthy relationships. Practice skills for new, healthy behaviors. David