Welcome Bienvenido Ku soo Dhowow Course registration in English: Gymnasium Inscripción del curso en Español: La Habitación #017 Diiwaangelinta Fasalka ee Soomaali: Room #015
9th Grade Course Registration Welcome Class of 2021 9th Grade Course Registration
Class of 2021 Counselor Assignments Student Last Names A-D Loretta Collins Student Last Names E-J Herb Crowell Student Last Names K-M Amy Webster Student Last Names N-Sa John Pemberton Student Last Names Sb-Z Teresa Savage
Get Involved! Find an extracurricular activity in which you might have any interest in and join as soon as possible
Athletics Postcards will be sent out to all families with athletics registration information. Registration event in early August (Aug. 1st or 2nd). Monday, August 14th is the first day of Fall sports Some fall sports captains may initiate optional practices prior to August 14th. Contact coach’s listed on the postcard for more information. Do not rely on the middle schools to forward the physical. Bring hard copy to athletic office by Aug. 14th. Students are able to receive a physical in our school-based clinic which has summer hours.
Course Registration English Lang. Learner (ELL): Room 007 Special Education (IEP): Room 007 504 Plans- Jason Kurtz (612)668-3420 Portal may not reflect your schedule Schedules available August 23rd
Materials for Registration Freshman Course Selection Card- leave in the box near the exit 9th Grade Planning Sheet “Form 13” All current non-MPS families- leave in the box near the exit Annotated course information sheet Full course descriptions and sequencing can be found on our website
Schedule Change Policy Until June 16th: All requests for changes for any course will be accepted via e-mail or phone call. June 16th- August 25th: Students who make a request during this time will be put on a wait-list. Counselors will attempt to place students in classes based on availability. August 28th First Day of School August 28th- September 1st: Students, not parents, must make the request in person by filling out a Schedule Change Request Form. Students put on the secondary waitlist. Counselors will attempt to place students in classes based on availability. September 2nd All Schedules Final One week prior to the end of each quarter: Only changes to core classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) based on level will be considered.
Graduation Requirements Minimum 21.5 total credits needed from the following subject areas: English 4 credits Social Studies 3.5 credits Math 3 credits Science 3 credits Physical Ed .5 credit Health .5 credits Fine Arts* 1 credit Electives 6 credits * PLTW courses can cover FA requirements Counselors will ensure that you have the courses scheduled that you need to graduate.
Course Registration Considerations Know that there are no 9th grade pre- requisites for 10th, 11th, or 12th grade Honors, IB, or AP courses in English, Social Studies, or Science. When choosing courses, be sure to consider balance in your life so that you can develop your whole self. Make and keep friends Keep family commitments Ability to exlpore other interests beyond school assignments Maintain good physical and emotional health
Academic Support Homework Lab Teachers and tutors available Quiet space to work independently or in small groups Wednesdays and Fridays Before School 7:00am-8:00am Tuesdays and Thursday After School 3:15-4:45pm Writing Center
Course Selection
Course Selection (English) 2. English (circle one) English 9 Honors English 9 HOW IS HONORS ENGLISH DIFFERENT? Will read additional texts beyond English 9 Will include oral and written analyses All reading and writing occurs outside of class 75-100 pages reading weekly and/or weekly essay
Course Selection (Social Studies) 3. Social Studies (circle one) Human Geography AP Human Geography HOW IS AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY DIFFERENT THAN STANDARD? Same text but much faster paced An hour of homework a night versus an hour of homework a week Strong reading and writing background College-level course; college credit may be earned
Course Selection (Math) 3. Math (circle one) Intermediate Algebra Geometry Advanced Algebra Placements received from MPS Middle Schools Mastery of Linear Equalities, Exponents, Functions, Transformations, and Quadratics result in placement into Geometry. Mastery of Geometry results in placement into Advanced Algebra.
Course Selection (World Language) World Language is NOT a requirement for graduation. Most 4-Year colleges will want to minimally see at least two years of a World Language on a HS transcript. Placements received from MPS Middle Schools if continuing in the same language. Can always choose a lower level than recommended. 2 years everyday= Level 2 or 3 3 years every other day= Level 2 or 3
Course Selection (Electives)
Current Non-MPS Students (Form 13)
What’s Next? Please drop Green Course Selection Card and any Form 13’s in a metal box by the door when you leave. Erica Lebens-Englund, Parent Liaison Sign up for the Parent Newsletter Visit Clubs/Activities tables Take Interest Survey Fill out Athletic Interest Forms (cafeteria) School Tours (5:30 and 6:30) August 23rd: Welcome Back August 28th: First Day September 1st: Picture Day (ID’s)