Implementation of RIS in Flanders The European Union's TEN-T programme supporting … Implementation of RIS in Flanders 2008-BE-30000-P This project is co-funded by the European Commission
Implementation of RIS in Flanders
Demonstration of the project results Activity 1: Inland ENC’s Status: Class IV+ are available for free on the portal Activity 2: Logistics pilot on Albert Canal Status: finished Demonstration:
Demonstration of the project results Activities 3 & 4: Notices to Skippers (study and implementation) Status: finished and operational Demonstration: Activity 5: Study Tracking & Tracing Status: finished and reports available
Demonstration of the project results Activity 6: AIS – pilot Status: 2 base stations already installed: Olen en Vilvoorde (operational in October because of safety reasons) 2 other base stations will be installed in Evergem and Hasselt. Demonstration: picture
Demonstration of the project results Activity 7: VTS Wintam Status: finished and operational Demonstration: Radar installation: picture Radar client: picture AIS-webclient: http://vtsweb.wenz.local
Demonstration of the project results Activity 8: WLAN Status: will start soon. No tender, because of global contract. Activity 9: FlaRIS I Status: will be in operation in Q1 2011 Demonstration:
Demonstration of the project results Activity 10: FlaRIS II – invoice software Status: will be in operation 1st of April 2011 Activity 14: C@LRIS Status: Finished, first test run in October 2010 Demonstration:
impression C@LRIS
Demonstration of the project results Activity 15: Equipment m/s Ilse Status: finished and in use Activity 16: Design and realisation RIS centre Evergem
Demonstration of the project results Activity 19: Use of ERI messages in Port of Ghent Status: finished and in use Activity 20: data exchange between the port of Ghent and Arcelor Mittal
Demonstration of the project results Activity 22: Communication Activities Status: on going Demonstration: portal site Demonstration: publications AIS special, Inland ECDIS special. Demonstration: AIS survey 2010 + Helpdesk function taken up by PBV on daily basis.
AIS pilot realisation
Radar installation VTS-Wintam
Radar client VTS Wintam