American Slavery
West Africa and Slavery West Africans sold slaves To find people to sell into slavery, they would go to war and take prisoners. American Slavery Video
Triangular Trade, 1750 American settlers in the 13 Colonies and the U.S.A. continued this practice of using slaves. They participated in the triangular trade which involved trading slaves.
American Slave Codes Slaves could not marry To control slaves in the U.S.A., laws were passed. These laws included the following: Slaves could not marry Slaves could not leave the plantation without a note Slaves could not learn to read or write Slaves could not vote Slaves could not drink alcohol or have a weapon
Families… Separation – Families were Often sold and Separated Causing great suffering And pain. Marriage – was illegal for slaves
Slavery in the Southern States Eventually, the U.S.A. became divided into North and South. North – eventually slavery was illegal South – slavery was popular This eventually led to the Civil War after which slavery was abolished
Ed Puzzle Videos Slavery Begins in America Questions 1-6 Escape From Slavery Questions 1-5
Kongo and the Slave Trade The Kongo Kingdom pg. 196-199 Kongo and Portugal Kongo and the Slave Trade Trading Goods 1. 2. 3. Portuguese Influence Pros/Why did they feel it was beneficial? Cons/What negative factors were caused?