Jordan Ruiz August 23, 2012 Humanities MCLA 8th Grade Race and Intelligence Jordan Ruiz August 23, 2012 Humanities MCLA 8th Grade
Tezkatlipoka - Self Reflection This year, I was posed with some questions about smartness like: Why do people want knowledge?Who has knowledge? What is knowledge? So I decided to conduct a research study. My research question was, “ Do you think one race is smarter.” I chose this question because I wanted to prove, as an African and Hispanic American, that I could be seen as smart in the eyes of society.
Quetzalkoatl – Precious Knowledge Ancients, like Aristotle, thought the brain was a radiator that cooled the bodies blood. Galen believed the brain was a place of thought. Scientist tried to prove certain races were smarter then other races. Binet was the man who created what we know as an IQ test. A stereotype threat is when a person believes a negative stereotype about their social group.
Huiztlilopochtli – The Will to Act My research question was, “ Who do you think is smarter?” My partner and I asked 50 primary students, 25 girls and 25 boys, this question after I showed them a picture of four people. A black, Asian, Hispanic and white man. These are the results... Black man... 30% White man... 38% Asian man... 20% Hispanic man...12%
Xipe Totek - Transformation My research study changed a lot of people’s way of thinking. My little sister thought she was dumb because of her scores in test. My sister is one of kind, but there are still a lot of people who think like she did. These children don’t deserve to think they’re dumb. So maybe by doing this study, I could change their way of thought.
Works Cited Hatt, Beth. "Smartness as a Cultural Practice in Schools." American Education Research Journal. 49.3 (2012): 438. Print. Mullick, Nirvan, , dir. Caine's Arcade. Film. 17 Aug 2012. <http//>. Wanjek, Christopher. Bad Medicine: Misconceptions and Misuses. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, inc., 2003. Print