CCQ next phase of Regulation BDM meetings 12th and 13th July 2017
What is changing? CQC has been consulting on proposed changes to regulation since December 2016. Phase 1 changes –consultation December 2016 to February 2017. Phase 2 changes – consultation June 2017 to August 2017. Phase 2 consultation subject areas are:- regulate primary medical care services and adult social care services improve the structure of registration, and clarify our definition of registered providers monitor, inspect and rate new models of care and large or complex providers use our unique knowledge and capability to encourage improvements in the quality of care in local areas carry out our role in relation to the fit and proper persons requirement.
What is changing? 11 separate Framework Documents/KLOEs/Characteristics
What is changing? Reduced to 2 Framework Documents/KLOEs/Characteristics
What is changing?
New KLOEs SAFETY 1 How do systems, processes and practices safeguard people from abuse? SAFETY 6 Are lessons learned and improvements made when things go wrong? EFFECTIVE 1 Are people’s needs and choices assessed and care, treatment and support delivered in line with current legislation, standards and evidence-based guidance to achieve effective outcomes? WELL-LED 2 Does the governance framework ensure that responsibilities are clear and that quality performance, risks and regulatory requirements are understood and managed? WELL-LED 3 How are the people who use the service, the public and staff engaged and involved?
New KLOEs - ASC 11 x Substantive changes to KLOEs 36 x New prompts 5 x New KLOEs 11 x Substantive changes to KLOEs 36 x New prompts 18 x Substantive changes to prompts in SAFE 20 x Substantive changes to prompts in EFFECTIVE 3 x Substantive changes to prompts in CARING 9 x Substantive changes to prompts in RESPONSIVE 10 x Substantive changes to prompts in WELL-LED Total = 112 changes to KLOEs and prompts New KLOEs Sources of evidence
What is changing?
Summary Do your clients know that the KLOEs will change from November 2017? The new KLOEs can be found here social-care-KLOEs-prompts-and-characteristics-FINAL_2.pdf CQC Pro is already set up to provide the revised set of KLOEs/prompts. The new structure of registration will make related organisations and parent companies accountable for the quality of care. Complex providers who operate across multiple sectors such as NHS Trusts who also provide GP services and care homes will have a CQC Relationship holder who will be the main point of contact between the CQC and the provider. The CQC will “increase their focus on services rated as requires improvement to drive improvement.” The timescale between planned comprehensive inspections will increase Services rated GOOD will increase from 2 years to 2.5 years. Services rated OUTSTANDING will increase from 2 years to 3 years. Services rated REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT will still be inspected every year. There will be a focus on services which are repeatedly RI.
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