Early School Reform and Progressivism Brooke Lynn Matthew Jolly Matthew Ammons BJ Young
National Education Association 1892-Established Committee of Ten to develop a national policy for high schools. (Sadker, & Zittleman, 2009) 1918-Established Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education. (Sadker, & Zittleman, 2009)
Progressive Education Broadened the school program to include health concerns, family/community life, and a concern for vocational education. Applied new research in psychology and the social sciences in the classroom. Accepted the interests and needs of diversity. (Sadker, & Zittleman, 2009)
John Dewey He was an American psychologist, philosopher, educator, and political activist. He was also a supporter for women’s suffrage and progressive education. (Sadker, & Zittleman, 2009)
Eight-Year Study In 1919, the Progressive Education Association initiated a study for the 1930s to determine if traditional or progressive schools are more effective. (Sadker, & Zittleman, 2009)
Extra Information 1899- The NEA’s Department of Indian Education researched how Indian students were systematically stripped of their language and culture in boarding schools. (Holcomb, 2006) “A being connected with other beings cannot perform his own activities without taking the activities of others into account. For they are indispensable conditions of the realization of his tendencies. When he moves, he stirs them and reciprocally.” – John Dewey(Breault, & Breault, 2005)
Works Cited Holcomb, S. (2006, February). Answering the call. Retrieved from http://www.nea.org/home/12172.htm Breault, D. A. , & Breault, R. (Ed.). (2005). Experiencing dewey. Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education. Sadker, B. M., & Zittleman, K. R. (2009). Teachers, schools, and society. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.