End of “The Great War” Treaties of WW1
Armistice Armistice: November 11th, 1918. An agreement amongst warring countries to stop fighting and move to a peace conference. The victors will set the terms for peace. Paris Peace Conferences and the Treaty of Versailles: Summary All nations agreed that Germany had to pay Reparations (damages due to war).
War Guilt Clause (Article 231) forced Germany to accept full responsibility for the cause of the war. Germans were outraged and never forgave the Allies for this. Germany’s military was severely restricted Germany was forced to give up colonies and return conquered territory The Constitution of the League of Nations was to be included as part of the Treaty Protest again the Treaty of Versaille outside German Parliament (Reichstag) 1919
League of Nations Idea proposed by U.S President Woodrow Wilson Part of Wilson’s ‘fourteen points’: plan to guarantee international peace Goals: disarmament and collective security
Canada’s Role Prime Minister Borden insisted that Canada be given its own seat at the Paris Peace Conference. Originally, Canada was to be represented by Great Britain. Borden also insisted that Canada be given the right to sign the Treaty of Versailles Canadian sacrifice at the Somme, Ypres, Passchendaele, and most importantly Vimy Ridge, gave Canada the right to be represented independently at Versailles. Canada earned independent membership to the League of NationsCanadian contribution to WWI and independent representation at the Paris Peace Conference significantly contributed to Canadian autonomy
International Effects of WW1 10 million dead; 20 million wounded; $200 billion price tag Empires disintegrated and the map of Europe changed drastically Eventual failure of the Treaty of Versailles contributed to WWII
Negative Effects of the War in Canada Over 60,000 killed; 178,000 wounded; War cost Canada $3 billion dollars Conscription issue deepened the differences between French & English Canadians
Positive Effects of the War in Canada Canada experienced significant economic growth during and after the war After the war, Canada’s population increased due to immigration Canadian troops gained global recognition (Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele, etc.) Women gained the federal vote, and were able to work traditionally male jobs Independent membership in the League of Nations (later became the UN) Canada was one step closer to receiving total autonomy