There are over 60 Health and Wellbeing outcomes at level 3 Food and Health Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting Substance misuse Planning for Choices and Change
Planning for choices and change I am developing the skills and attributes which I will need for learning, life and work. I am gaining understanding of the relevance of my current learning to future opportunities. This is helping me to make informed choices about my life and learning. (HWB 3-19a) Skill development Communication, Problem Solving Transferable skills Highlight the subjects they enjoy and how they can use these skills in the future Confidence to make informed decisions Help plan for future education or employment Help inform course choices at end of S2
10% of children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental problem. 15 year old girls report much poorer mental health and wellbeing than other groups 80% of 15 year old girls in Scotland feel pressured by school work – significantly higher than the European average Mean wellbeing scores were slightly lower for young adults than older age groups 30% of girls in Scotland have a BMI outside of the healthy range. 55% of fifteen year olds consider themselves fat. 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age of 24. As in virtually all other types of health outcomes, mental health has a social class gradient, with the poorest more likely to have problems. Young carers are more likely to report a mental health condition than those who are not carers Poor mental health can significantly impact on physical health, education, attainment and employment Alarmingly, however, 70% of children and young people who experience a mental health problem have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.
How can we help? Pupils Staff Increasing their knowledge and understanding of mental health and the supports that are available Implementation of SeeMe intervention Developing an awareness of how poor mental health can impact on the school experience. Developing an understanding of how staff can effectively support young people. Staff gaining the SMHFA certificate
Taking part in local activities for young people Early identification and early intervention are essential in ensuring that young people can achieve their potential and avoid poverty in later life Being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise Things that can help keep children and young people mentally well include- Going to a school that looks after the wellbeing of all its pupils Taking part in local activities for young people Having a sense of belonging in their family, school and community Being interested in life and having opportunities to enjoy themselves Feeling they have some control over their own life Being able to learn and having opportunities to succeed The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.
Mental Health First Aid Attitudes to mental health issues Equalities The impact of alcohol and drugs on mental health Introduction to suicide intervention Understanding depression Understanding anxiety Understanding psychosis
Diversity Group We set up the Diversity Group in January of this year. The aim of the group is to provide a safe space for pupils who wish to discuss minority issues. Whilst this group is open to anyone who feels they belong to a minority, in the main the group has been attended by LGBT+ pupils. We had a successful Purple Day during which pupils signed ‘The Purple Pledge’ which said that they would: Challenge prejudice Promote equality Accept diversity The Diversity group attended Edinburgh Film Festival in June to see the Scottish Premiere of ‘Freak Show’ directed by Trudi Styler. In conjunction with running the Diversity Group we have also embarked on the LGBTYouth Scotland Bronze charter. This requires us to have at least 14 members of staff who have undergone LGBTYouth Scotland training. We fulfilled this before the summer holidays and are working on achieving the rest of the requirements before long.