Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009 ALGERIA : EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPPING FIELD ACTIVITIES WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 1. THE “ONE UN APPROACH” No institutionalized framework for the UNCT to work in a coherent & coordinated way Steps taken by Agencies/Funds/Programmes to improve their Joint Programming and Coordination capacity (One UN Programme) : => UNDAF => UNDP/Spain MDG FUND Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 2. JOINT PROGRAMMING UNDAF 2007-2011 CCA (2005) => UNDAF (2006) NMTPF : not used as entry-point in the UNDAF process Thematic priorities : human development, environment & sustainable development (FAO), governance and gender Mid-Term Review (2010) UNDP/SPAIN MDG FUND Gender equality and empowerment of woman (3,6 million of US$ for 3 years) Environment & climate change (FAO) => Next round Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 3. OTHER MODALITIES FAO / WHO activities Food safety and quality : TCP/ALG/3002 (TCPF) & WHO Regular Programme Output : National Plan for Food Safety (adopted by 17 Ministerial Departments) FAO / WB co-operation Agricultural & Rural Financing : TCP/ALG/3103 & WB/TCI Result : Launching of national programmes + measures for the farmers Agricultural statistics (CountrySTAT : TCP/ALG/3201 & WB (Strategic Partnership Framework) FAO / UNDP activities Food Security & Rural Development : TCP/ALG/2901 & ALG/03/003 Result : New Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development / PPDRI (SPFS) Success story (« Patways to success ») Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 4. FAO AS A PARTNER OPPORTUNITIES Leverage individual strengths Individual visibility in joint programme advocacy activities Work in a coordinated manner Access to additional corporate resources Enhance access to the full range of services of the UNS Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 4. FAO AS A PARTNER CHALLENGES Functional firewall in the management of the RC system Resource mobilization with local donors Enhance the effectiveness of UN activities (priorities in the MICs & new threat and risk environment) Shift to a more “upstream “ approach (policy advice and advocacy, sharp thematic focus) Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN STRENGHTS FAO resources (2,000 USD per year + TCPF) Greater awareness & better understanding Comparative advantage : advocacy, policy and technical advice, transfer of knowledge, pilot projects and coordination of programmes. Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN WEAKNESSES Unpredictability of resources (UNDAF) Resources constraints Common premises => additional costs Competitive environment for resources Agriculture, rural development, food security and sustainable development ≠ major focus of the UNDAF Lack of concomitance UNDAF process - NMTPF exercise Project approach (Country Programmes) > UNDAF Rejection of the CPAP Restricted technical capacity of the country office Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 5. RECOMMENDATIONS Need to review the existing model of doing business in the MICs Operate a strategic refocusing/repositionning of UN in the MENA region (“regionalization” and “delivering as one” initiative) Produce more upstream technical assistance, knowledge-based types of support, policy advices Greater impact if outputs are integrated in new policies, national development plans & strategies Develop expertise in Joint Programming/ Planning Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009

ALGERIA - WORKING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THE UN 5. RECOMMENDATIONS (Ct’nd) Capacity of Governement and participating UN organizations (sufficient/ appropriate human resources) Leadership and accountability FAO’s capacity at country level (comparative advantages, cross-sectoral synergies, new way of doing business => results-based approach) Inter-agency dialogue and coordination (collective approach) Develop joint programmes with other UN Agencies Lessons from country offices – RNE Regional Meeting - Cairo, Dec 2009