Division 5 Vocabulary
a math operation that splits numbers into equal parts or groups division (n) a math operation that splits numbers into equal parts or groups
dividend (n) The amount that you want to divide
Where is the dividend?
divisor (n) The number you divide by
Where is the divisor?
quotient (n) The answer after you divide one number by another
Where is the quotient?
Where is the dividend?
Where is the divisor?
Where is the quotient?
remainder (n) The amount left over after division
Turn to this problem in your notebook.
What is the dividend in this problem? How do know?
What is the divisor in this problem? Why?
What is the quotient? Is there a remainder?
Write down your own division problems… Ask your neighbor - What is the dividend? The dividend is ____. What is the divisor? What is the quotient? What is the remainder?
You divide two numbers and the answer is 3 You divide two numbers and the answer is 3. What two numbers might you have divided? What word problem might you have been solving?
Word Problem I divided a string that was 60 m long into 20 pieces. How long was each piece? Each piece was 3 m long.
Arithmagons Forwards Arithmagon Choose two circles Multiply one number by the other in a clockwise direction as shown by the arrows and write the answer in the rectangle in between them. Continue until you have filled in the other two rectangles