Shaler Area School District 2015-2016 PSSA and Keystone Exam data summary Presented by : Dr. Bryan O’Black Assistant Superintendent of Schools November 2016
Overview of Presentation School Performance Profile (SPP) Key points for the PSSA State-wide student performance Shaler Area SD vs. PA performance Past and Present by subject level Act 1 of 2016 – PA Graduation Requirements Keystone Exam Overview Action Items District and Building Questions and Answers
What is the School Performance Profile? Developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the PA School Performance Profile is an online resource designed to provide information and resources on school quality for public schools across the Commonwealth.
Shaler Area School District School Performance Profile Scores School Name SY 15-16 Burchfield Primary 90 Jeffery Primary 86.1 Marzolf Primary 75.8 Rogers Primary 94 Reserve Primary 75.5 SAES 68.7 SAMS 54.6 SAHS 82.5
Key Points Educators/Parents Should Know About the New PSSA (Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education) Over the past two years a new PSSA was administered in Pennsylvania’s classrooms, grades 3 through 8, in English Language Arts and Mathematics. 2015-16 school year marks year two of what will be a multi-year transition. This assessment PSSA is fully- aligned to the more rigorous PA Core Standards, which the State Board of Education adopted in fall 2013.
PSSA 2015-16 Shaler Area vs. State Average School – Grade ELA (State) ELA (Shaler) Math (State) Math (Shaler) Primary – 3 60.9% 85.4% 54.4% 78% SAES – 4 24.7% 69% 46.6% 57% SAES – 5 61.5% 67% 44.4% 43% SAES – 6 61.7% 73% 41.1% 42% SAMS – 7 37% 26% SAMS - 8 58.4% 60% 31.2% 20%
Past and Present % Proficient/Advanced - ELA Year Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 2016 85.4 69 67 73 57 60 2015 83 61 68 62 2014 88 74 63 71 85 2013 86 70 78 2012 76 80 2011 81 *Does not include students who took PASA
Past and Present % Proficient/Advanced - Math Year Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 2016 78 57 43 42 26 20 2015 67 41 38 33 22 2014 89 84 63 80 76 2013 90 70 83 79 2012 87 68 81 75 2011 92 85 74 *Does not include students who took PASA
Student Achievement PSSA Science - 2015 PROFICIENT OR ADVANCED Grade 4 – 82% State: 76.2% Grade 8 – 59.6% State: 57.7%
Act 1 of 2016 PDE Graduation Requirements Under current regulations, Pennsylvania high school students will be required to meet state graduation requirements via demonstrations of proficiency in Algebra I, Biology and Literature on Keystone exams. Among high school graduates in 2015, barely half scored proficient on all three Keystone exams.
Act 1 of 2016 PDE Graduation Requirements Act 1 of 2016 (Act 1), enacted in February 2016, paused the Keystone exam/PBA graduation requirement for a period of two years (9th grade of 2018 – 2019) and provided policymakers with an opportunity to thoughtfully consider options for students to demonstrate readiness for postsecondary success in addition to Keystone exams.
Keystone Exams 2015 vs. 2016 Building Breakdown Shaler Area High School Keystone Exam 2015 2016 State Average Algebra I 67% 68.2% Literature 78% 76.8% Biology 69% 70% 65.7% Shaler Area Middle School Keystone Exam 2015 2016 Algebra I 86% 61%
Action Items for 2016-2017 DISTRICT – WIDE Focused professional development and professional learning communities (PLC’s). Implementation of consultative model for Special Education program to include more students in regular education classrooms. Ongoing implementation and training to support Project ACE to create innovative and engaging learning spaces for our students. Continual professional development and monitoring of English Language Arts and Math curriculum in transition to PA Core Standards.
Action Items for 2016-2017 DISTRICT – WIDE Focused walk-throughs with District Administration to monitor curriculum, instruction and assessment. Implementation of STAR Diagnostic Assessment in Grades 7 -8. STAR has been utilized for 4 years in Grades K-3. Professional Development on Text Dependent Analysis through the AIU Reading Achievement Center. Focused data team meetings to review, identify and plan remediation at the student – level.
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