CIW Lesson 7 Part A Name: _______________________________________ Directions: Follow along with the PowerPoint and fill in the blanks. Everything that will be covered will be in Lesson 7 Master Questions Part A. Name: _______________________________________
Introduction to Business Electronic Mail The use of e-mail has given rise to the term ______________________, which is a slang term for standard postal service. E-mail is the _______________________ standard communication for business Snail Mail De Facto
E-Mail Addresses & Services/Programs _________________@_____________ An e-mail client is also referred to as a __________________________ This is a program not associated with a web browser, that you can use to send emails ________________________ emails allow you to check your email from any computer If you are on different email systems you can use a _______________________ username@domain Mail User Agent (MUA) Web-Based gateway
Types of E-mail Protocols There are 2 servers for sending emails ___________________ & __________________ Outgoing mail protocol _____________________________________________. *Can be a disadvantage because there is a greater chance to get hacked _______________ is an email server program that receives sent messages and delivers them to their proper destination A “store and forward” email service is _________________________ Outgoing & incoming SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol MDA: Mail Delivery Agent POP3: Post Office Protocol version 3
MIME Extension of SMTP Can be used by applications to _________________ process files _____________________ from the internet Identifies attached files by ________________, and knows to open the attached file because of the _____________________ inside the HTTP header If you organization scans email attachments for malicious content, this takes place _________________________________ Automatically, downloaded Type Plug-in At the email server
Alternatives to MIME ________________________ & ___________________ encrypt the email message and its attachments S/MIME & PGP support ________________ & _______________ of email messages _______________________ is an open source implementation of PGP and doesn’t use patented algorithms PGP: pretty good privacy & GPG: GNU Privacy Guard Encryption & decryption GPG: GNU Privacy Guard
E-mail Components Email message headers consist of: ______, _____, ________, __________ & _____________________ The file sent with an email is an _______________________ Most current email clients display attachments as a __________________ __________ An email recipient must posses the necessary ___________________ to view or edit an attachment To, CC, BCC, subject & attachments Attachment Separate link software
Email Components Continued The __________________ ______________ stores names and information for frequently accessed email contacts Email clients save a copy of every message you send in the ____________ folder The _________ _______________ is text that appears at the bottom of each message that you send and contains __________________ information Address book Sent Email signature, contact