Causes of the French Revolution Mr. Meester World History
Famine Due to several years of bad weather crops in France had failed. This caused a widespread food shortage. A loaf of bread cost a peasant the equal to 1 month’s earnings.
The Ancien Regime In French it means the “Old Order”. France was divided into 3 social classes called Estates. 1st Estate was made up of the clergy. 2nd Estate was the nobility. 3rd Estate was the largest and made up the rest of the population.
The Three Estates 1st Estate 2nd Estate 3rd Estate
An Unfair System The first 2 estates controlled great wealth and property. They also enjoyed special privileges such not paying taxes. The 3rd Estate made up 95% of the total population of France. They paid all of the Taxes.
The 3rd Estate Many different people made up the 3rd Estate. The top was made up of the bourgeoisie, or middle class: lawyers doctors, teachers, business owners. Most were poor peasants and factory workers. Enlightenment ideas cause people to question the fairness the system.
France’s Financial Follies Economic problems cause more tension due to deficit spending. The 7 Years War & American Revolution strained France’s economy The National Debt was so high it took half of all the tax revenue just to pay the interest.
Reforms Fail Jacques Necker, the king’s financial advisor tries to cut spending and raise taxes to pay off the debt. The first 2 estates have the king, Louis XVI, fire him when he attempts to have them start to pay taxes. As a result France’s problems get worse.
The Estates General The French version of Parliament. Each estate received 1 vote. All taxes against the 1st & 2nd Estates were voted down. The 3rd Estate was fed up & walked out. They declared themselves the National Assembly, and true representatives of France.
The National Assembly meeting Tennis Court Oath The National Assembly was locked out of their meeting hall. They were forced to use a tennis court. There they made an oath to continue meeting until the people got a new Constitution. The National Assembly meeting at the tennis court.
Storming of the Bastille The Bastille was an old castle used as a prison. There were rumors of weapons & gunpowder being stored there. 800 Parisians attacked the Bastille and killed 6 soldiers who were there. No weapons were found. This was the beginning of the French Revolution. The Storming of the Bastille July 14th 1789 French Independence Day