Question 1 for accelerator similar as iBNCT Could we control the DTL cooling water temperature by detecting the detuned frequency of DTL cavity, using the same formula as that for RFQ? RFQ DTL Tuner Cooling water Digital FB System f1 f0 f2 f2f0
RFQ cooling water temperature control Thigh : 42.6 C Tlow : 41.8 C Tin_set: 42.6 C Tin_autoset:**.** C Tin Tcav_aver_set: 42.6 C Cavity Tout + Switch ON/OFF - Detuning_set: 0.0 degree + - Tin_mon: **.** C Tout_mon: **.** C Sensitivity_temp: *.** C/degree Gain_temp : 0.75 Twait_temp : 300 s Detuning_mon : **.* degree Tcav_aver_mon : **.** C Tin_autoset = Tin_mon + Gain_temp*(Tcav_aver_set - Tcav_aver_mon) Tin_autoset = Tin_mon + Gain_temp*(Detuning_set- Detuning_mon)/Sensitivity_temp We already did.
DTL cooling water temperature control Thigh : 42.6 C Tlow : 41.8 C Tin_set: 42.6 C Tin_autoset:**.** C Tuner Tin Tcav_aver_set: 42.6 C Cavity Tout + Switch ON/OFF - Detuning_set: 0.0 degree + - Tin_mon: **.** C Tout_mon: **.** C Sensitivity_temp: *.** C/degree Gain_temp : 0.75 Twait_temp : 300 s Detuning_mon : **.* degree Tcav_aver_mon : **.** C Tin_autoset = Tin_mon + Gain_temp*(Tcav_aver_set - Tcav_aver_mon) Tin_autoset = Tin_mon + Gain_temp*(Detuning_set- Detuning_mon)/Sensitivity_temp Could we control the DTL cooling water temperature by detecting the detuned frequency of DTL cavity, using the same formula as that for RFQ?
Question 2 for CW accelerator Could we apply the startup process same as J-PARC LINAC or iBNCT with input RF frequency tuning? iBNCT Cooling water f2 frf f1 RFQ Digital FB System f2 DTL Tuner f2 f1 Phase waveform of RF cavity
Question 3 for accelerator of short pulse operation How to control RF fields of a short pulse (for example, pulse width: 3 s, loop delay of control system: 1 s)? Amplitude filling time 1 s Time flat top 2 s