Austria, Prussia, and Russia 1
Holy Roman Empire 2
The Thirty Years War 1618 – 1648 Began in city of Prague with an anti-Catholic rebellion Almost all of Europe would become involved 30 – 50% of Europe’s population killed 3
Started by fighting between German Catholics and German Protestants 4
The Peace of Westphalia 1648 Holy Roman Empire broken up into about 360 microstates Two major new countries emerged from the war – Austria and Prussia 5
Europe in 1648 6
Austria 7
Leopold I 1640 – 1705 Inherited the facial deformity of his great-great grandfather Fought wars against France, Ottomans Turned back a Muslim invasion of Europe in 1683 Married his niece/cousin who had 6 children before dying at age 21 Had 16 children by 3 wives 8
Charles VI 1685 – 1740 Son of Leopold Musician Only had daughters, so he changed the rules of succession so his daughter could be his heir 9
Maria Theresa 1717 – 1780 Massive reformer of everything from education to agriculture to the military Mother of Marie Antoinette (& 15 more, 6 of which died in childhood, 3 from smallpox) Devout Catholic who distrusted Protestant nations Employed “decency police” 10
Prussia 11
Frederick William 1620 – 1688 Duke of Prussia Calvinist Built Prussia into a strong military state Freed Prussia from control of Polish king, still loyal to Holy Roman Emperor 12
Frederick I 1657 – 1713 King in Prussia Negotiated the right to be called “king” from Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I 13
Major Powers in 1750 Russia 14
Russia 15
Ivan the Terrible 1530 – 1584 First Tsar of Russia Probably insane Killed his own son in an argument Oprichniki Probably poisoned Died playing chess 16
Feodor the Bellringer 1557 – 1598 Ivan’s son Mentally retarded Let his brother-in-law run the government Suffered a mental breakdown when his only child died at 2 17
Mikhail Romanov 1596 – 1645 Elected tsar in 1613 Brought peace to Russia after 15 years of unrest Established the Romanov dynasty which would rule until 1917 18
Alexis I 1629 – 1676 Tsar at 16 Expanded Russia’s borders Gave refuge to English royalists who fled when Charles I was beheaded 19
Peter the Great 1672 – 1725 Pyotr Alexeyevich Romanov Became tsar at age 10 6 foot 8 & incredibly strong Traveled in the west for 18 months, learning much about “modern” nations Built a new capital city at St. Petersburg Had his own son tortured and killed Died of urinary tract infection after helping rescue some drowning men 20
Forced Russia to become more like Western Europe Reformed the Russian Orthodox Church Banned men under 50 from becoming monks Changed social ranking from heredity to merit-based Required children of nobles be educated in math and science Adjusted the Russian calendar Required nobles to dress in western style and to cut their beards Ended arranged marriages 21
Forced social reforms 22
Expanded Russia’s borders 23
Peter’s policies hurt the serfs, because they had to pay all of the financial costs 24