Flagellates PETER S. AZNAR, M.D., FPSP
Giardia intestinalis AKA Giardia lamblia S/S: bloating, flatulence, foul-smelling, fatty diarrhea (often seen in campers/hikers) cysts in water
G. lamblia Old man with glasses Duodenal aspiration indicated Entero String Test Associated with nursery school diarrhea outbreaks Tx: Metronidazole
Giardia lamblia trophozoite
Giardia lamblia cyst
Entero String Test
Chilomastix mesnili Lemon cyst The cytosome is evident with a curved shepherd’s crook fibril
Shepherd’s crook
Shepherd’s crook
D. fragilis Commonly found together with gram (-) infection Tetrad karyosome in the nucleus No cyst form Means of diagnosis: Trichome stained smear Associated with nursery school diarrhea outbreaks
Dientamoeba fragilis
Trichomonas hominis AKA intestinal trichomonas organ of locomotion; undulating membrane undulating membrane extends the whole part of the body no cystic stage
Trichomonas hominis trophozoite
Enteromonas hominis nonpathogenic trophozoites have flagella has cystic stage common food contaminant
Enteromonas hominis
Enteromonas hominis
Enteromonas hominis
Retortamonas intestinalis smallest flagellate cyst has two flagella cyst is similar to chilomastix mesnili
Retortamonas intestinalis
Trichomonas tenax AKA oral trichomonas present in periodontal disease smallest trichomonas organ of locomotion; undulating membrane (2/3 length of the body) no cystic stage
Trichomonas vaginalis Strawberry shaped lesion/cervix Associated w/ Hanging Drop tech. virulence factors; adhesins AP65, AP51, AP33, and AP23 to vaginal epithelial cells lacks mitochondria undulating membrane extends one half of the body
Trichomonas vaginalis