Welcome to Academic Advising Tutorial-- Criminal Justice Majors Middlesex County College Academic Advising Center Chambers Hall 109 732.906.2596 advising@middlesexcc.edu
Requirements (prior to 2011) I ENG 121 and 122 Two GE Social Science Electives Two GE Humanities Electives CJU 123 and 124 PSY 123 and 222 HED or one-credit PED SOC 225 or POS 231 for CJP and CJC; COR 280 or POL 204 for CJC POL 201, 202, and 204 for CJP; COR 201 and 207 for CJC POS 201 and 220 SOC 140 CSC 105 (GE MST)
Requirements (prior to 2011) II Math or Science Criminal Justice majors are unique in that their major requires two math classes or two four-credit science classes, not one math class and one science class or two math and two science classes. While the MAT 101-102 sequence is sufficient for graduation, students should check with the Office of Counseling and Career Services to determine if MAT 014 and a MAT 123-124 or MAT 129-MAT 131 sequence are more beneficial for the purpose of transfer.
Science Route (prior to 2011) III If the student wishes to take the two four-credit lab science sequence, he/she must have a lab science in high school with at least a “C” grade. Please review the Advisors’ Manual to learn how to read Colleague’s XTRI screen to determine if a student had a high school lab science with at least a “C” grade. Finding the exact High School lab science grades
What to Do if a Student did not have a High School Lab Science with at least a “C.” If your advisee does not wish to take a math sequence, MAT 013 is the proper prerequisite for SCI 155. That course would then become the proper prerequisite for BIO 105 or 106. OR Your advisee can take BIO 010 or CHM 010 as a prerequisite to a four credit lab science OR If your advisee has completed between 18-20 credits with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, the student can take BIO 105 and then BIO 106 without any Colleague evidence of a high school lab science.
Requirements (starting Fall 2011) ENG 121 and 122 Two GE Humanities Electives CJU 123 and 124 PSY 123 and PSY 222 or SOC 131 HED or one-credit PED GE Math and four credit GE Science SOC 225 and POS 231 for CJP and CJC; COR 280 or POL 204 for CJC POL 201, 202, and 204 for CJP; COR 201 and 207 for CJC POS 201 and 220 SOC 140 CSC 105 (GE MST)
Learning EVAL EVAL is Colleague’s method of determining which courses a student has finished or still needs to complete toward graduation. The Advisors’ Manual has the best guide to understanding how to utilize this valuable screen within Colleague.