NAME: Faraz Ahmed PROGRAM: BS Computer Science Submitted to Engr. Abdul Latif Shah SEMESTER: 2nd (Fall 2014) COURSE: Technical Report Writing STD-ID: 695-2014
Table OF CONTENT 1. Web Browsers 2. Selection of Browsers 3. Market Share of Web Browsers 4. ACID3 Test Results 5. Sun Spider Benchmark Java Script Result 6. Usage of Web Browsers 7. Conclusion
Selection of Browser
Confuse? Which one is best?
I am Going to Solve this Problem!
Market Shares 2014 Green shows Google Chrome Market Shares of Web Browsers Green shows Google Chrome Blue shows Internet Explorer Red shows Firefox Violet shows Safari Sky blue shows Opera Orange shows others
Graphics Rendering Result ACID3 Test Results SL No Browsers Acid3 Test Points 1 Google Chrome 99 9.9 2 Mozilla Firefox 69 6.9 3 Safari 4 Opera 5 Internet Explorer 65 6.5 Graphics Rendering Result Browser 1 (Sec) 2 (Sec) 3 (Sec) Average Points Chrome 2.876 2.877 2.8766 9 Mozilla 7.197 7.201 7.1996 6 Opera 11.388 11.232 11.336 4 IE 11.215 11.219 11.212 11.2153 Safari 10.221 9.l222 5
Sun Spider JavaScript Benchmark Result: SL No Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Safari Opera 3D 43.1 46.6 18.0 51.4 52.7 ACCESS 19.9 19.3 14.1 40.2 19.6 BITOPS 15.5 11.6 9.8 27.3 17.4 Control Flow 2.3 2.4 1.6 3.3 2.9 CRYPTO 23.1 23.3 9.9 19.8 23.5 DATE 60.2 27.0 26.7 26.9 MATH 21.2 18.2 16.8 31.0 REGEXP 9.1 10.7 10.2 11.0 9.0 STRING 101.6 94.2 58.7 73.1 101.5 TOTAL 296.0 253.3 158.7 283.8 275.8
April 2012 2008 ,2009 Before 2007
April 2012
8th April 2014
If Web Browsers converted in transport Internet Explorer
has been Calculated for each browser. The results are: Google Chrome As you saw in the evaluation table, all the parameters have been given appropriate points and the total has been Calculated for each browser. The results are: Category Result Basic browser features (Web technologies Support, Cross platform Support, Browser Features, Accessibility Features, Mobile Web technology support, Plug-in and Web Feed Support, Protocol Support) Opera tops with 26.05/39 Security Features Google Chrome tops with 6.67/8 Add-Ons Firefox tops with 8/8 Speed Chrome tops with 8.2/10 Benchmark Tool Testing Google tops with 8.17/10 Over All (All categories Together) Google Chrome TOPS with 49.84/75
In features Google Chrome has merged out to be the winner with 53 In features Google Chrome has merged out to be the winner with 53.84 points.