Planning the Sales Call Is a Must! Chapter 7 Planning the Sales Call Is a Must! McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2004 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7
Main Topics Strategic Customer Sales Planning— The Preapproach Chapter 7 Main Topics Strategic Customer Sales Planning— The Preapproach The Prospect’s Mental Steps Overview of the Selling Process McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2004 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Tree of Business Life: Planning Guided by The Golden Rule: Plan on how to help people solve problems and fulfill needs. Plan every aspect of the sales call so you will be organized and prepared. Plan to present a specific solution to each prospect’s unique set of problems and needs. You will see that ethical service builds true relationships. T T Ethical Service T T T T T T T T Builds T r u e Relationships T C I
Exhibit 7-1: The Preapproach Involves Planning the Sales Presentation
Strategic Customer Sales Planning - The Preapproach Strategic problem solving involves Strategic needs Creative solutions Mutually beneficial agreements
Exhibit 7-2: Consultative Selling -- Customer Relationship Model
Strategic Customer Sales Planning - The Preapproach cont… Reasons for planning the sales call Builds confidence Develops atmosphere of goodwill Reflects professionalism Generally increases sales
Exhibit 7-4: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale Determine sales call objective(s) Develop/Review customer profile Develop customer benefits Develop sales presentation
Strategic Customer Sales Planning - the Preapproach cont… Always Have a Sales Call Objective The precall objective - have one or more! Focus and flexibility when with customer focus your efforts on objective be prepared to switch to another objective if needed Make the goal specific Move customer conversation toward objective Set a SMART call objective
Strategic Customer Sales Planning - The Preapproach cont… Always have a sales call objective Set a SMART call objective S M A R T pecific easurable chievable ealistic imed
Strategic Customer Sales Planning - Customer Profile Provides Insight Review information to create customized presentation See what customer has done in the past to determine future needs If do not have customer profile - get one for each customer
Exhibit 7-5: Information Used in a Profile and for Planning
Customer Benefit Plan: What It’s All About! Steps in creating the customer benefit plan: Step 1: Select FABs for product discussion Step 2: Select FABs for marketing plan discussion Step 3: Select FABs for business proposition discussion Step 4: Develop suggested purchase order based on first three steps
Exhibit 7-6: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation Resellers 1. Advertising Geographical National Regional Local Co-op Type Television Radio Direct-mail Internet 2. Sales Promotion Contests Coupons Samples 3. Sales Force Working with salespeople 4. Trade Shows
Exhibit 7-6: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation End Users 1. Availability 2. Delivery 3. Guarantee 4. Installation Who does it? When? How? 5. Maintenance/service 6. Training on use 7. Warranty
Exhibit 7-6: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation
Resellers 4. Markup 2. Shipping costs 5. Profit 1. List price Exhibit 7-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation Resellers 1. List price 3. Discounts Cash Consumer Quantity Trade Financing Payment Plans Interest Rate 4. Markup 2. Shipping costs 5. Profit
End Users 2. Shipping costs 5. ROI 6. Value Analysis 1. List price Exhibit 7-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation End Users 1. List price 2. Shipping costs 3. Discounts Cash Quantity 4. Financing Payment plans Interest rates 5. ROI 6. Value Analysis
Exhibit 7-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation
Customer Benefit Plan: Develop Sales Presentation Write out all FABs for steps 1 - 3 Write out suggested purchase order Now you are ALMOST ready to create your sales presentation
Exhibit 7-8: Major Phases in Your Presentation: A Sequence of Events to Develop a Complete Sales Presentation
What is Left in Creating Your Sales Presentation? As shown in Exhibit 7-8 you need to create your: Approach - covered in Chapter 9 Close - covered in Chapter 12
Before You Can Pick Your Approach You Select which presentation method to use - covered in Chapter 8 Prepare for anticipated objections from your prospect/customer - covered in Chapter 11
In Planning a Sales Presentation, You Should Consider The prospect’s mental steps What would the prospect be thinking as you give your presentation?
Exhibit 7-9: The Prospect’s Five Mental Steps in Buying
How Do You Obtain Someone’s Attention When You Begin Your Presentation? Show you are there to help! The proper approach is important! (Chapter 9) Your goal is to determine a need or problem
How Do You Keep Someone’s Interest in What You are Presenting? Show you are there to help! Quickly present major FABs that: Fulfill a need Solve a problem Show and tell as discussed in Chapter 10
How Do You Build Desire for Your Product? Show you are there to help! Using your trial closes, determine if prospect is interested in benefits Watch for nonverbal signals! Green Yellow Red
How Do You Establish The Conviction Your Product Will Solve Needs or Problems? Show you are there to help! The customer sees how your product’s FABs will solve their needs or problems Your trial closes indicate ready to buy
How Do You Know if Customer Ready to Purchase So You Can Close? Show you are there to help! Trial close response(s), nonverbal signals indicate positive beliefs product will fulfill needs or solve problems
Overview of the Selling Process Getting the prospect’s attention and interest by having the prospect recognize a need or problem, and stating a wish to fulfill the need or solve the problem Uncovering and answering the prospect’s questions and revealing and meeting or overcoming objections results in more intense desire Desire is transformed into the conviction that your product can fulfill the prospect’s needs or solve problems
Exhibit 7-10a: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions
Exhibit 7-10b: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions
Summary of Major Selling Issues Careful planning of the sales call is essential to success in selling Planning builds self-confidence, develops an atmosphere of goodwill, creates professionalism, and increases sales Sales call planning Have a sales call objective that is SMART Develop or review the customer profile Develop your customer benefit plan