長榮大學人文社會學院105學年度第1學期 人文社會學院教師研究計畫及論文討論會 Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind 杜嘉玲 應用哲學系助理教授.


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Presentation transcript:

長榮大學人文社會學院105學年度第1學期 人文社會學院教師研究計畫及論文討論會 Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind 杜嘉玲 應用哲學系助理教授

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind The Rise of Reductive Physicalism Persistence Fundamentality What happens in the world should be determined ultimately by the behavior of fundamental entities and properties.

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind The Rise of Reductive Physicalism Three main types: Behaviorism The mind-brain identity theory Functionalism

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind The Rise of Reductive Physicalism Kim’s causal-theoretical functionalism Cognitive properties have causal power. Phenomenal properties are epiphenomenal. Ontologically, mental causation has to be realized by physical level.

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind The Rise of Reductive Physicalism What is left? Is Kim’s functionalism epistemological reduction or ontological reduction? To accept ontological reduction at one hand and emergence on the other hand.

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind The Failure of Reductive Physicalism Three types of reduction fail to validate reductive physicalism. The research on quantum mechanics has changed the traditionally ontological presupposition of “particles” to “processes”.

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind Emergence on Mind-Body Correlation Mental properties cannot be reduced to the underlying physiological properties. Mental properties have causal power. Emergence is closer to the reality of mental phenomena than supervenience and reduction.

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind Emergence Brings in New Metaphysics Interactions among particles are necessary. Campbell and Bickhard brought in process-model of emergence as a concept of new metaphysics. Two processes in the world: energy well stability and far-from-equilibrium stability

Metaphysics on Philosophy of Mind 5. Conclusions The traditional metaphysics ignores the crucial role of organization in the emergence from lower-level processes. Processes (or interactions) are essence of physical systems.