facebook Jacob Riis Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Jacob Riis @JacobRiis Hi! I am a social reformer currently in New York. Please help me improve living conditions for the less fortunate. #photography #writer #muckraker Ribe, Denmark 63 TWEETS 1,849 FOLLOWING 1,914 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following: Theodore Roosevelt Followers: Benjamin Harrison, Upton Sinclair Recent Images Tweets Jacob Riis @JacobRiis Just saw three children sleeping in the streets, breaks my heart! #streetarabs Jacob Riis @JacobRiis The conditions in our settlement houses are like pigstys. @BenjaminHarrison Benjamin Harrison @Benjamin Harrison @JacobRiis I am working very hard to fix this problem! @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Jacob Riis @JacobRiis It is about time Mr. President.
facebook Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout @JacobRiis View My Profile Page 63 1,849 1,914 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS Tweets Theodore Roosevelt @TheodoreRoosevelt I love your new book! I am glad I am not the only American who sees society this way. @JacobRiis Go check out my new book, How the Other Half Lives! Jacob Riis @JacobRiis Thank you very much @TheodoreRoosevelt Other Followers: Refresh View All Theodore Roosevelt @TheodoreRoosevelt How would you like to report for The New York Tribune? Thomas Nast @ThomasNast #cartoonist Follow Alice Paul @AlicePaul #suffragist #women’s rights Follow Jacob Riis @JacobRiis I would love to! I appreciate this opportunity. Susan B. Anthony @SusanBAnthony #women’s rights Follow Theodore Roosevelt @TheodoreRoosevelt Great! I have been saving this spot for “the best American I ever knew.” Browse Categories Find Friends
facebook Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout @JacobRiis View My Profile Page 63 1,849 1,914 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS Tweets Thomas Nast @ThomasNast Hey @JacobRiis I love the new picture. Go check out my new book, How the Other Half Lives! Jacob Riis @JacobRiis @ThomasNast I think your new cartoon must be seen by all! Other Followers: Refresh View All Thomas Nast @ThomasNast Much appreciated. We should collaborate on a topic sometime. Thomas Nast @ThomasNast #cartoonist Follow Alice Paul @AlicePaul #suffragist #women’s rights Follow Jacob Riis @JacobRiis Definitely @ThomasNast! Susan B. Anthony @SusanBAnthony #women’s rights Follow Browse Categories Find Friends
Works Cited Moore, Tony. "Jacob Riis." Biography.com. A&E Networks Television, 06 Nov. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2017. "Jacob A. Riis’s New York." The New York Times. The New York Times, 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 04 Mar. 2017. "Jacob Riis Biography." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2017. Stamp, Jimmy. "Pioneering Social Reformer Jacob Riis Revealed “How The Other Half Lives” in America." Smithsonian.com. Smithsonian Institution, 27 May 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2017.