ATTENTION Summative Test 2.1 on Tuesday (September 5, 2017) Coverage: Human Evolution (Physical) Cultural Evolution
Learning Targets for the Day I CAN identify the different periods of the cultural revolution. I CAN understand the significance of studying CULTURAL EVOLUTION in knowing ancient civilizations.
Cultural Evolution
PALEOLITHIC PERIOD Known as “Old Stone Age” use of rudimentary chipped stone tools started around 2.5 million years ago way of living is through HUNTING AND GATHERING
Paleolithic Age raw materials were made into tools through percussion flaking fire was developed in this period invention of engraving tool development of human’s self- awareness
Paleolithic Age cave paintings and fabrication of accessories people in this period knows how to catch fishes creation of clay figurines and wood and ivory carvings
MESOLITHIC PERIOD Known as “Middle Stone Age” microliths (very small stone tools intended for mounting together on a shaft to produce a serrated edge)
Mesolithic Age taming of animals, like dogs fishing became an important way of livelihood canoes, bow and arrow made of wood were invented known as TRANSITION PERIOD
NEOLITHIC PERIOD Known as “New Stone Age” or “Neolithic Revolution” major shift to AGRICULTURE start of permanent settlement domestication of plants and animals change in leadership, social classes, population size, art, etc.
NEOLITHIC PERIOD used primitive plow pottery making developed infrastructures has a lot of tools sedentary lifestyle
COPPER AGE first period wherein metal was used utilized copper in making tools
BRONZE AGE combination of tin and copper start of system of writing start of far-ranging trade networks used by the Sumerians and other people in Mesopotamia a lot of inventions were made in this period
IRON AGE replaced bronze in implements and weapons first used by the Hittites stronger weapons and tools more efficient than bronze, copper and stone tools.
Cultural Evolution