Parents’ Curriculum Choices Information Evening Meet the subject teachers from 6pm – 7pm Presentation to parents – 7pm Welcome and Introduction by Ms Ball, Headteacher Curriculum Choices and Process by Ms Negrotti, Assistant Headteacher Questions
Year 8 Curriculum Choices 2014 Year 9 preparation year for the examination subjects pupils will continue in Year 10 for examination at the end of Year 11.
5 other choices in Year 9 which become 4 choices in Year 10 Your Curriculum in Years 9, 10 & 11 The Core Curriculum – all pupils have to continue to study these subjects (6 or 7 GCSEs) PLUS 5 other choices in Year 9 which become 4 choices in Year 10 (4 GCSEs)
Core Curriculum English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Science - Triple Award (Sets 1 & 2) 3 GCSEs Science – Double Award 2 GCSEs Religious Studies GCSE PSHCEE and Citizenship Games (and PE in Year 9)
Science – 3 GCSEs or 2 GCSEs Triple Science 9 Exams Biology Chemistry Physics Sets 1 & 2 will start this in Year 9 All 9 exams for Triple Award will be taken at end of Year 11 By end of Year 9 pupils will have opportunity to decide if continue for Triple or do Double Double Award - Core Science Year 10 Additional Science Year 11. No resits.
Religious Education All pupils will study this in Years 9 and 10 The examination will be taken at the end of Year 10
Choices Art & Design GCSE French DT: Graphics GCSE German DT: Food/ Catering GCSE Spanish DT: Resistant Materials GCSE IT: Computing GCSE DT: Textiles GCSE IT: Information Communication Technology GCSE Drama Media Studies GCSE Geography Music GCSE History Physical Education GCSE/BTEC
Five Choices in Year 9 Pupils will study Five subjects Pupils must make 6 choices Choices 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 will be your first preferences Choices 6 will be your RESERVE choices Order of choices very important – may get 6th For Year 10 you will drop one of these 5 so you will study for 4 GCSEs eventually
The Curriculum Choices Form
Preparation Year for GCSE in Years 10 and 11 Year 9 is a preparation year for the examination subjects pupils will continue in Year 10 for examination at the end of Year 11. Pupils will have the opportunity before Easter of Year 9 to choose one subject to stop studying in Year 10 and there will be some other subjects that some pupils may prefer to study instead of the ones they choose now. Some pupils will be advised what type of course to study for some subjects. Pupils will get support and advice about this during Year 9.
Design and Technology (D&T) Only one D&T course can be chosen Food/Catering GCSE Graphic Products GCSE Resistant Materials GCSE Textiles GCSE Before Year 10 if pupils choose to study Food or RM we will decide with pupils and parents if they study for Food or Catering GCSE or Resistant Materials GCSE or BTEC Construction
Information Technology (IT) Only one IT course can be chosen Computing GCSE Information Communication Technology GCSE Before Year 10 if pupils choose to study ICT GCSE we will decide with pupils and parents if they study for ICT GCSE or BTEC First Award in Information and Creative Technology Level 1/2
Physical Education Pupils will continue to have Games twice a week and PE once a week. Pupils can also choose to study for GCSE/BTEC PE which will be an additional 2 lessons a week where pupils will do a mixture of practical and theory work. Before Year 10 we will decide with parents and pupils if they study for GCSE PE or BTEC PE
Languages and Humanities Pupils must choose ONE Language – Spanish, French or German Pupils must choose ONE Humanities from either History or Geography Pupils can choose more than one Language and pupils can choose both History and Geography Languages - select carefully Language choice as will be difficult to change a Language choice once made
Pupils’ Future - aspiration for A Level and University? English Language GCSE (1) Mathematics GCSE (1) Triple Science/Double Science/Computer Science GCSE (2) History or Geography GCSE (1) A Language GCSE (1) If pupils go on to study A Level pupils may need the above qualifications which is why they are compulsory or pupils have to choose them for year 9.
The Curriculum Choices Form Choose 6 Choices 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 will be your first preferences Choice 6 will be your RESERVE choice Order of choices very important – may get 6th choice
Preparation Year for GCSE in Years 10 and 11 Year 9 is a preparation year for the examination subjects pupils will continue in Year 10 for examination at the end of Year 11. Pupils will have the opportunity before Easter of Year 9 to choose one subject to stop studying in Year 10 and there will be some other subjects that some pupils may prefer to study instead of the ones they choose now – Business Studies, Child Development, Sociology may be offered for Years 10/11. Pupils will get support and advice about this during Year 9.
Pupils will find out your choices in the Summer Term. Next steps Curriculum Choices Awareness begins – Monday 3 March Parents’ Curriculum Choices Information Evening – Tuesday 4 March Parents’ Consultation Meeting – Thursday 20 March Forms handed in to form tutor – Wednesday 26 March You may know that phase that your children are moving into - Y10 and Y11 is known as KS4 Pupils will find out your choices in the Summer Term.
Curriculum Choices Form and Booklet Parents/carers should have a copy of this – given out yesterday Copies are available on the school website Deadline for return of Curriculum Choices form is Wednesday 26th March – return to Form Tutor
What should pupils be doing now? Ask their teachers about the courses Ask their form tutor and Head of Year and Ms Negrotti for advice Talk to parents/carers Think about what they want to do in the future Be realistic about what they enjoy and are good at Don’t base choices on teachers and friends
Help pupils to decide All information is in Curriculum Choices booklet Teachers will give more guidance during lessons Pupils will get a guide next week to help them gather information to bring to Parents’ Consultation Evening on 20 March before they make their decision for 26 March.
Preparation Year for GCSE in Years 10 and 11 Year 9 is a preparation year for the examination subjects pupils will continue in Year 10 for examination at the end of Year 11. Pupils will have the opportunity before Easter of Year 9 to choose one subject to stop studying in Year 10 and there will be some other subjects that some pupils may prefer to study instead of the ones they choose now. Pupils will get support and advice about this during Year 9.
The Curriculum Choices Form