Friday 10th FEBRUARY 2017 Elisabeth hicham TRAINEE headteacher Year 6 SATs Meeting Friday 10th FEBRUARY 2017 Elisabeth hicham TRAINEE headteacher
A New National Curriculum was introduced in 2014 As a result, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) has changed the test so that they assess the new curriculum. Children in Year 6 this year will take the new tests in May 2017. This is what you need to know about what the tests involve.
When do they take place? Week of 9th May 2017 What is the timetable for the week? Monday 8th May: Reading Paper Tuesday 9th May: SPAG Papers Wednesday 10th May: Arithmetic and Reasoning 1 Papers Thursday 11th May: Reasoning 2 paper This timetable is nationally prescribed.
What are SATs? Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) Children nationally will be taking part Children who are working below the national standard may not take part.
What are the National expectations ? This is the second year that children will be tested on the 2014 new National Curriculum. They will be given a ‘raw score’ and a ‘scaled score’ (scaled scores will be released in June-July). This will tell whether the children are working at the required standard, above (mastery) or below.
What is a scaled score? In order to better understand how a raw score is converted to a scaled score, let’s look at a familiar example: Converting miles to kilometres. One mile equals 1.60934 kilometres. The length of distance has not changed, only the way in which the data is being reported. Scaled scoring is used as a best practice for reporting high stakes certification exam scores to manage the potential differences in difficult across unique forms.
What is tested ? Schools are required to administer the following level tests: English reading. English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Mathematics Please note that all children will take the same test, there are no separate Level 6 tests anymore.
The papers: MATHEMATICS Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes) Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes) Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes) English Grammar, Handwriting and Spelling (45 minutes) Reading Test (1 hour) Writing Teacher Assessment (May) SCIENCE Teacher Assessment (May)
Supporting pupils at school Practice SATs Papers/ Mock SATs: Timed : Practise working to a set time Marks: Check what is expected of them 1, 2 or 3 marks Strategies: Move onto the next question if stuck. Spend 5 minutes checking Reading timing (number of sections) Key Vocabulary: Understand and use key vocabulary
Supporting pupils at school Over half term and Easter holidays, there will be an intensive revision programme of boosters for chosen children Arithmetic programme by practising calculations every day Reading practice -stamina reading Booster Groups + other intervention programmes
How can parents help at home Ensure children have a good breakfast in the morning to help them concentrate during the day Dedicate a quiet, comfortable place for children to study Support with Home Learning whenever possible
How can parents help the week of the SATs? There are several practical things you can do to help your child with the SATs: Make sure your child is in school and is punctual Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep up to and during the week of SATs Try to give your child the chance to get some exercise and fresh air after the school day has finished
Any questions? Thank You