Hannah was barren The Lord had closed her womb Having children was a really big deal back then! We’re not told why the Lord had closed her womb . . . We all have times in our lives when we wonder, why . . . ?
Hannah was barren Hannah’s rival taunted her continually Peninnah would provoke Hannah till she wept – 1 Samuel 1:6-8 People can be incredibly cruel at times!
Hannah prayed desperately for a son In bitterness of soul Hannah prayed to the Lord She prayed earnestly – 1 Samuel 1:10, 15-16 She prayed in faith to the Lord Almighty – 1 Samuel 1:11 She prayed with perseverance – 1 Samuel 1:12-17
Hannah prayed desperately for a son She even took it a step further and made a vow Hannah was so desperate that she made a deal with God! – 1 Samuel 1:11 People often make deals with God when they’re desperate!
God answered Hannah’s prayer God remembered her prayer Not that God had ever forgotten – it was all in His timing Sometimes God makes us wait for the things we pray for
God answered Hannah’s prayer He gave her a son just as she had asked for! She named him Samuel, in Hebrew it means “heard of God” God ALWAYS hears our prayers and answers them! – 1 Peter 5:7; 1 John 5:14-15
Hannah fulfilled her vow to God After Samuel was weaned Hannah took him to Eli As soon as Samuel was old enough Hannah presented him to the Lord in fulfillment of the vow she had made Keeping the vows you make is a serious thing to God! – Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21; Ecclesiastes 5:4; Matthew 5:33-37
Hannah fulfilled her vow to God Hannah praised God for answering her prayers! She was filled with joy and gratitude! – 1 Samuel 2:1-10 Let us remember to always give thanks to the Lord for answering our prayers! – Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18