Annabelle, Daisy and Rafe Great Expectations Chapters 22 - 26 Annabelle, Daisy and Rafe
Plot Overview… Pip enjoys dinner with Herbert and asks him to tutor him in becoming a gentleman. Herbert tells Pip about Miss Havisham: Miss H fell in love with a man of a lower social class who persuaded her to buy half of the brewery,
Pip then goes to the Royal Exchange and then to Mathew Pocket’s house for tutoring. He takes care of his social manners and with the way he eats. Pip goes to dinner with Wemmick and sees the different way he acts at work and out of work.
Pip gets to know his fellow students form Pocket’s and visits Wemmick in his “castle” of a home. Pip then has a fight with another of Jagger’s students.
Character’s development… Pip: Changes after he meets Miss Havisham and wants to become a gentle man. Mr Jaggers: Guardian to Pip and Miss Haversham’s lawyer he always wins his cases. Herbert Pocket: He becoems great friends with Pip and helps him to become a gentleman. Mr Wemmick: Has a two sided personality and act very different when at home and when at work.
Literacy Effects… Dialect “Why should she wreak revenge on all the male sex?” This quote shows dialect of the Dickens era because it states language like ‘wreak’ which is a another word for cause.
Metaphors “As I stood idle by Mr. Jaggers’s fire, its rising and falling flame made the two casts on the shelf look as if they were playing a diabolical game at bo-peep with me; while the pair of coarse fat office candles that dimly lighted Mr. Jaggers as he wrote in a corner, were decorated with dirty winding-sheets, as if in remembrance of a host of hanged clients”
This fire seems to be a normal and commonplace however the use of similes and metaphors make the place seem quite gruesome. We can also see words like a flailing flame and fat office candles being used to create the effect that this room of Jaggers is beyond the normal room
Symbols “at which she afterwards stopped all the clocks” This stopping of the clocks by Miss Haversham is a symbol of the stopping of her life and not wanting to let the past go. She has stopped the clocks after she got left at the altar. I think that in Great Expectations symbols are used to great effect and this is a very good example of it. This comments on the stopping of her life.
Word search & Discussion Activity… Word search & Discussion “How does the change in Pip’s mind set and aspirations affect the other characters?” “How do the other characters affect pip?” “To what extent does the change in setting add to the progression within the plot?”
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