Consultative Committee on Financial Matters Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
Mandate of the Ministry Water is a State subject with a Strong Central presence for growth and progress of Nation. Overall national perspective in Irrigation, Ground Water, Flood (control) Management, Dam safety etc. Issues of Inter-State rivers, Awards of Tribunals and River Boards Issues of common rivers: India and neighbors A new mandate of Rejuvenation of Ganga and its tributaries
Objectives of the Ministry Water Resources Implementation of National Water Policy, 2012 Creation of irrigation potential and Reducing Gap between Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) & Irrigation Potential Utilized (IPU). Sustainable Ground Water Management & its Regulation Development of water resources data base and Flood Management / flood forecasting. Promoting increased water use efficiency and awareness on water conservation.
Objectives of the Ministry……. .River Development Inter-Linking of Rivers River Basin Management for efficient utilization of water Nurturing excellence & Innovation through Research & Development and Capacity Building Ganga Rejuvenation Ensure effective abatement of pollution and rejuvenation of Ganga Ensuring water quality and environmentally sustainable development of the Ganga
Comparison : XI & XII Plan XI Plan Central Sector Schemes 16 with an outlay of Rs.3,246 crore. Budget allotted - Rs.3,220 crore Expenditure of Rs.2,556 crore (79.39%) State Sector Schemes Allocation of Rs.47,015 crore Budget allotted Rs.43,012 crore Expenditure of Rs.37,571 crore (87.35%). XII Plan Allocation of Rs.18,118 crore (up 558% from 11th Plan) State Sector / Centrally Sponsored Schemes Allocation of Rs.91,435 crore (up 194% from 11th Plan).
AIB & FMP Scheme AIBP National Projects CAD&WM RRR of Water Bodies Rs. in Crore Scheme 11th Plan Allocations 12th Plan Allocations AIBP 39,850 47,050 National Projects 8,150 CAD&WM 1,600 15,000 RRR of Water Bodies 2,715 6,235 Flood Management Programme 2,750 10,000
Progress of Plan Expenditure Rs. in crore Category 11th Plan Outlay Expr in 11th Plan 12th Plan Outlay (2012-17) 12-13 13-14 14-15 BE for 2015-16 Exp. Up to Dec. 2015 Central Sector Schemes 3,246 2,556 18,118 510 532 1,655 1,607 742.31 Cent. Sponsored Schemes 47,015 37,571 91,435 6,504 4,630 3,261 2,000 1002 Total 50,261 40,127 1,09,553 7,014 5,162 4,916 3,607 1744.4
Scheme – wise Expenditure in 12th Plan
AIB&FMP and PMKSY, 2015-16 Rs. in Crore S.No. Scheme Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Up to Dec2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 Proposed RE 2015-16 1 AIBP 5,904 4,033 2,610 549 231 42% 8,026 2 National Projects 3 CADWM 365 180 200 186 100% 1,260 4 RRR of Water Bodies 40 38 131 65 5 PMKSY 1,000 527 50% 6 FMP 194 379 320 58 29% Total 6,504 4,630 3,261 2,000 1002 9,486
Namami Gange Cabinet approved at Rs 20,000 crore on 13.05 2015 Management of Municipal Sewage, Rural Sewage (sustainable), Industrial discharge, Working towards adequate flow in the river Ecological rejuvenation by conservation of aquatic life and biodiversity Ensuring sustainability through enhanced public participation Knowledge Management on Ganga through Ganga Knowledge Centre Against Rs 2,750 crore in BE 2015-16, expenditure to end of October, 15 is Rs.760 crore An overview of earlier initiatives for cleaning Ganga, Explains two phases of GAP I and GAP II and indicates expenditure and achievements In GAP I only main stem of Ganga and class I towns were taken up, few more tributaries and some class II cities added in GAP II Detailed analysis of GAP-I & II to come up later in presentation Indicates limited scope for river rejuvenation Focus on Ganga diluted to some extent on launch of NRCP, led to establishment of NGRBA(2009) Fact sheet on Ganga and its basin comes next
Polavaram Project A multi-purpose project on River Godavari for development of Irrigation, Hydropower and drinking water facilities to East & West Godavari, Vishakhapatnam, and Krishna districts of Andhra Pradesh The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 declared it a National Project 100% Expenditure funded by GOI Polavaram Project Authority established. Rs 250 crore released in 2014-15 While Rs 100 crore already released in 2015-16, additional Rs 1,900 crore projected in RE
Development of Water Resources Information System Hydrological Observations and Monitoring System involving setting up of new HO Stations/upgradation of existing HO Stations, developing Coastal Management Information System (CMIS) etc. Commencement of 5th Minor Irrigation Census Water Quality Assessment Authority (WQAA) Strengthening of Monitoring Unit in CWC & Data Bank and Information System involving Web-enabled Water Resources Information System Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 Exp. 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 Proposed RE 2015-16 1370 38 43 82 81 35 100
Hydrology Project In-Situ Hydro-met Monitoring Systems -- expand and upgrade water resources monitoring systems National Water Information System -- develop centralized spatial data sets, including remotely sensed data and support National Water Informatics Centre (NWIC) Water Resources Operation & Management Systems -- develop Decision Support Systems (DSS) for selected river basin planning, assessments, flood forecasting etc. Water Resources Institutions and Capacity Building -- capacity building through trainings, providing, etc. Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 Exp. 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 Proposed RE 2015-16 120 38 41 25 10
Ground Water Management and Regulation Aquifer Mapping Participatory Ground Water management Monitoring Hydrograph Networks Stations for water level and water quality Completion of Artificial Recharge Structures – continuation of 11th Plan Procurement of Machinery and Equipments (Rs. in Crore) Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 Exp. 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 Proposed RE 2015-16 3,319 116 80 125 163 57 35 221
Research & Development Identifying reasons & exploring practical solutions to the Country's water resources related problems. Improving available technology, engineering methods, procedures, Create/Upgrade research facilities and equipments of the premier organisations at national level. Promote educational, training & human resources development programmes in water sector Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. RE 2015-16 360 31 32 53 22 41%
HRD/ Capacity Building Information, Education and Communication envisaging awareness generation on water related issues. National Water Academy Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training Institute, Raipur Training of Officers of Ministry in aspects of Water Resource Management, Ground Water Development & Regulation, Flood Management, Irrigation, Recycling of Waste Water, desalination of Sea Water, Water use efficiency. Capacity Building Programme undertaken by NERIWALM, Tejpur and also technical services. Approved Value 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 Exp. 2014-15 BE 2014-15 Expr. Up to Oct 2015 %age Exp. RE 2015-16 351 17 26 27 29 8 26% 25
Infrastructure Development MoWR, RD & GR e-Governance Scheme - Strengthening of infrastructure with a view to provide prompt, responsive and transparent governance and dissemination of citizen centric information on the water related issues; Procurement, upgradation and maintenance of IT hardware and software besides networking for Ministry & CGWB; Construction/upgradation of building infrastructure for CWC & CGWB. Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Up to Oct 2015 %age Expr RE 2015-16 246 10 18 17 2 10% 24
River Basin Management Investigation of Water Resources Development Scheme NWDA : Survey & Investigation for preparation of Prefeasibility/Feasibility/Detailed Project Reports of Intra & Inter State links; CWC : investigation of projects in border areas and National Projects e.g. hydro-electric projects in Sikkim, Cachar, J&K, Sankosh basin, Mizoram, Indus basin etc.; Brahmaputra Board : Carry out Survey, Investigation & preparation of Master Plan, DPRs for Drainage Development Schemes & DPRs for Multipurpose project, anti-erosion schemes etc. Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Up to Oct 2015 %age Expr Proposed RE 2015-16 975 135 150 156 163 97 60%
Farakka Barrage Project Maintenance of Farakka Barrage and its appurtenant structure, including feeder canal works along Ganga & its tributaries, Jangipur Barrage etc. Anti-erosion works, survey & investigation for protection of embankments Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Up to Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 RE 2015-16 558 74 90 79 100 54 54% 88
River Management Activities and works related to Border Rivers Hydrological observations and investigation of Water Resource Projects with neighbouring countries (Sapta Kosi & Sun Kosi), EIA study of Pancheshwar; River management works on common/border rivers; Flood control, Anti-erosion and anti-sea erosion works; Maintenance of flood protection works of Kosi and Gandak Rivers. 12th Plan Allocation Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 Proposed RE 2015-16 763 26 30 94 102 62 61% 273
Dam Rehabilitation & Improvement Programme 6 year programme commenced on 18th April 2012. Coordination and Supervision of DRIP activities in participating states (Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala and Tamil Nadu). (223 Dams). Institutional Strengthening of CWC Approved Value For 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 Proposed RE 2015-16 120 0.42 5 14 29 4 13% 22
Implementation of National Water Mission The Mission seeks conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within States through integrated water resources development and management Five Goals (a) comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of impact of climate change on water resource; (b) promotion of citizen and state action for water conservation, augmentation and preservation; (c) focused attention to vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas; (d) increasing water use efficiency by 20%, and (e) promotion of basin level integrated water resources management. Approved Value 12th Plan Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Upto Oct 2015 %age Exp. of BE 2015-16 RE 2015-16 196 0.71 1.29 20 2 10%
Flood Forecasting To continue flood forecasting from existing level forecast and inflow forecast sites. Automation of the existing networks of forecast sites together with telemetry system for communication of realtime data and modern equipments. 12th Plan Allocation Exp. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BE 2015-16 Exp. Up to Oct 2015 %age Exp RE 2015-16 794 25 29 50 16 32% 35
Thank you
Way Forward The entire scheme of AIBP, CAD and RRR are now part of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana to fulfill the objective of “Har Khet Ko Pani”. Scheme is now streamlined after detailed deliberations at Jal Manthan and discussions held by Hon’ble Minister with States. The proposals are ripe for releases. Major constraints being lack of funds.
Reason for Low Expenditure 12th Plan schemes EFC approval got delayed and received after a long time. As a result, the expenditure in the new schemes and the new components in the on going schemes was not incurred. Maximum Works of the Ministry starts after the rainy season, resulting in curtailment of BE at RE stage. Under the Centrally sponsored schemes, the states submitted the proposal after provision made in the State Budget in the month of Oct. to Dec. due to which at the stage of RE the Ministry of Finance curtailed the Budget. Due to curtailment of RE 2014-15 to 40% of BE 2014-15, the committed liabilities as per MoU could not be honoured.
Steps to augment expenditure Hon’ble Minister reviewing Expenditure on the weekly basis in Senior Officers Meeting. Jal Manthan was initiated in the month of Nov. 2014 and as a result of which modification was made in the Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Regular communication with Finance Ministry / PMO for enhancing allocation to discharge out standing liabilities in Centrally Sponsored Schemes. For smooth functioning and transparency in the implementation of AIBP schemes, proposal submission started online from 2015-16, All historical data uploaded on Web.
SUGGESTIONS Ministry needs a serious reconsideration, to meet the genuine needs of the states as per approved pattern of AIBP. Funds require for Ken –Betwa Link to be started this Year. More Funds require for Polavaram Project, It is the committed liability of GOI as per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2014. The commitments of present Govt. “ SAB KA SATH SAB KA VIKAS” where Water plays a vital role by providing “ HAR KHET KO PANI” would be inline, for which the Finance Ministry should look into the needs which are not fulfilling due to paucity of funds.
Central Sector Schemes - Outlay Rs. in crore S.No. Scheme XI Plan Outlay XII Plan Outlay 1. Development of Water Resources Information System 200 2247 2. Flood Forecasting 130 794 4. Ground Water Management & Regulation 460 3539 5. Research & Development 260 360 6. HRD & Capacity Building (Information, Education & Communication, National Water Academy, RGN Ground Water Training Institute, Capacity Building 610 7. Infrastructure Development 115 337
Central Sector Schemes……. Contd… S.No. Scheme XI Plan Outlay XII Plan Outlay 8. River Basin Management (River Basin Organisation, Investigation of Water Resources Development Scheme, Re-structuring of CWC, Brahmaputra Board) 810 1280 9. River Management Activities and Works related to Border Areas & UTs 601 763 10. Farakka Barrage Project 350 558 11. National Water Mission - 1390 13. Dam Rehabilitation & Improvement Project 120
Ground Water Management And Regulation 116.10 71.67 125.29 163.00 EXP. IN 2012-13 to 2015-16 & Proposed RE 2015-16- CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEMES (Rs. in Crore) S. No. Scheme Exp. 2012-13 Exp. 2013-14 Exp. 2014-15 B E 2015-16 Exp. 2015-16 upto Oct, 15 RE 2015-16 proposed 1 DWRIS 37.98 41.19 81.53 81.00 35.03 100.00 2 Flood Forecasting 25.15 22.98 28.55 50.00 16.09 35.00 3 Hydrology Project 37.85 38.76 24.95 10.00 0.01 4 Ground Water Management And Regulation 116.10 71.67 125.29 163.00 56.80 221.00 5 Research & Development 31.36 30.17 31.95 52.55 21.60 6 HRD/Capacity Building (IEC, NWA, RGI, Capacity Building through CADWM, Training of MoWR officers) 17.19 23.96 26.89 29.00 7.60 24.00
Infrastructure Development 9.85 9.00 17.64 17.00 1.66 24.35 EXP. IN 2012-13 to 2015-16 & Proposed RE 2015-16- CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEMES (Contd…) (Rs. in Crore) S. No. Scheme Exp 2012-13 Exp 2013-14 Exp 2014-15 B E 2015-16 Exp. 2015-16 upto Oct, 15 RE 2015-16 proposed 7 Infrastructure Development 9.85 9.00 17.64 17.00 1.66 24.35 8. River Basin Management (River Basin Organization, Investigation of Water Resources Development Schemes, Re-structuring of CWC, Brahmaputra Board) 134.66 148.46 155.53 163.00 97.17 163.35 9 River Management Activities and Works related to Border Rivers 26.00 93.66 102.00 62.18 273.00 10 Farakka Barrage Project 73.56 89.82 79.39 100.00 53.51 88.00 11 Implementation Of National Water Mission(NWM)-New Scheme 0.00 0.71 1.29 20.00 1.67 12 Irrigation Management Programme 0.24 1.00 13 Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) 0.42 4.60 13.71 29.00 3.74 22.00
EXP. IN 2012-13 to 2015-16 & Proposed RE 2015-16- CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEMES cont…. (Rs. in Crore) S. No. Scheme Exp 2012-13 Exp 2013-14 Exp 2014-15 B E 2015-16 Exp. 2015-16 upto Oct, 15 RE 2015-16 proposed 14 Bodwad Prisar Sinchan Yojana 0.00 66.67 1.00 15 Impact study of AIBP projects 0.03 5.00 0.02 0.80 16 Polavaram Multipurpose Project 250.00 100.00 2000.00 17 National River Conservation Plan 337.46 550.00 208.00 18 National Ganga Plan 2100.00 522.00 19 DPR for interlinking 33.45 20 Ghat works for beautification of river fronts 30.00 21 Water Projects of NCT 320.00 TOTAL 510.36 498.32 1654.54 3707.00 695.77 5786.00
AIBP and National Projects 5904.13 3216.90 2610.33 549.00 230.47 EXP. IN 2012-13 to 2015-16 & Proposed RE 2015-16- CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEMES Rs. in crore S. No. Scheme Exp 2012-13 Exp 2013-14 Exp 2014-15 B E 2015-16 Exp. 2015-16 upto Oct, 15 RE 2015-16 proposed 1. AIBP and National Projects 5904.13 3216.90 2610.33 549.00 230.47 8026.00 2. CAD&WM 365.15 179.97 200.00 186.00 185.76 1260.00 3. Repair, Renovation and Restoration of water Bodies 40.44 37.97 320.23 65.00 0.00 4. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana 1000.00 420.43 5 Flood Management 193.85 379.00 130.49 33.41 Total 6503.61 3813.84 3261.05 2000.00 870.07 9486.00